I Am Unsure


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Guest Gilvisto

Okay Christos, I've said kind of mean things before, I suppose, but this is an honest sincere question:

What are you doing here? On these boards, what is it you are trying to accomplish?

You're not LDS, you are quite sure you don't want to be LDS, so what are you doing here?

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Ok, I am on these forums because, I am on these forums.

Need there be any explaination for what passes through my mind?

What am I trying to accomplish.


I am on no mission (sorry for the pun).

If we truely are all brothers in Christ, all part of the Holy Catholic and Aposolitic church (Catholic meaning universal from the greek) then there should be no disagreement between us.

I read somewhere in LDS doctrine that if a person was LDS and then left the church that person will not be forgiven......talk about pressure :rolleyes:

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Guest Gilvisto

Then you read wrong, Christos. Would Christ not allow someone back in?

We only do what Christ would do (well, we try bests we can, anyways).

A good example:

Out of the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon, all three went apostate at one time or another. Two came back to the church eventually (Don't remember which ones... bit of help here?).

What is interesting about that instance is that the witnesses never denied the fact that they saw the plates... how's that for funky? You'd think since they were saying that the church wasn't true that they'd slam the book of mormon and deny they saw anything... but they didn't. They claimed that Joseph was a fallen prophet... not that he wasn't a prophet to begin with.

I wonder why... think about it.

In any case, there is forgiveness for apostasy.

Val out

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