Need Advice On Teaching The Gospel

Guest mojojo1984

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Guest mojojo1984

hello everyone,

it's Joe again.i need some gospel advice.see our new bishop wants us to help find new people for the missionaries to teach.i love to do this.i feel like i could.but i don't know anyone.until new years eve.when the charleston ward had a chinese new year. they invited the singles.and there was about 3 of us singles.but they have a bunch of people from the church of christ.(which my mom's family is members of the chruch of chirst in logan,wv)i found out that of the chinese family is living in the same town.and is about the same age.but i didn't get to talk to her.i'm trying to find this girl name, cindy 's e-mail address from singles who knows the chinese family. i like to talk to the chinese girl.i think her family got a card with a hotline for a free video but i like to teach her more and maybe her family too.but i'm a shy and i don't know if i can do it.i never teach anyone about the church.and i don't understand some stuff.some of my friends says i would have a better chance teaching her sincle she lives in the same town.but i like some advice.thank you for your time.


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Well, you must know your self to the extent of recognizing your gifts. If you feel you are prepared to preach, and from your prayers the Word is "YES", then you should, for it brings a lot of satisfaction, not only because of the "intelectual" effort, but rather because of the Spirit and blessings that come to that life listening to you and yourself also...

I believe in any member who wants to express his/her knowledge of Christ's salvation, yet if you dont understand all, dont worry, just ask, ask, ask.

And do it (the preaching) with all the heart you have, knowing that your preaching is just a mere bridge for God to touch her, and is not the "Touch"it self, you are a servant of God.


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If I understand you correctly, it seems as if you are mainly interested in trying to find someone who the missionaries might be able to teach, or in other words, someone who would be willing to have the missionaries try to teach them, or in other words, someone who would be willing to hear the missionaries share what they know about the gospel.

To do that, I suggest that you talk to people to find out if they would be willing to hear the missionaries share what they know about the gospel, or in other words, talk to people about the gospel and see if they might be interested in hearing what the missionaries have to say, or in other words, talk to people about what you know about the gospel and see if they are willing to hear more from the missionaries, as the missionaries share what they know about the gospel.

And to do that, I suggest that you simply talk more about yourself and everything that is involved in your life, which would include your knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

But I would also suggest that you don’t do all of the talking, because if you give other people an opportunity to talk as you talk to them, you will more easily be able to find out if they are even the least little bit interested in anything you have to say.

And Joe, the less you know, the more you will be able to say that the missionaries could probably share more about those things you don't know, and it might also help to say that you want to talk to the missionaries to find out some more about those things while asking if your friends will come with you.

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Hey Mojo, this may be off-topic, but do I understand that you are talking about a ward in Charleston WV? I visit family there every so often and my wife and I have discussed attending a ward there when we are in. We just didn't know any LDS members in the area. :D

PS: My brother is a Sgt in the State Police in Charleston; I'll put in a good word for you. :lol:

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