Prince Warns People Not To Get Fat As Americans.


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Okay, as I said on another thread Brits aren't really ideal in regards to fitness either. However, this is a danger as kids are getting fat. Americans are turning into porkers and we have a reputation as being a race of Michael Moores. I get this all the time when visiting other countries -- I thought Americans were all fat, your family isn't fat. Well, then I have to explain that there are a few who try to stay fit.

Letting yourself get fat is as dangerous as breaking the Word of Wisdom, in fact, it should be covered there in my opinion. How effective is a person speaking about the LDS health code when he is 50% over his ideal weight?

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I know I don't listen as well as I should in that case. We had a speaker just like that once. I had to repent of being judgemental, but dang, when you're right, you're right. A friend of our family used to tell his childdren to now smoke or drink while he had a cigarette in one hand adn a bottle of Bud in the other. Amazing.

Being a mortal is tough sometimes.

Anyway, I have a tendency not to pay too much attention to the Prince with regard to his opinions of what is right and what is wrong. He wasn't exactly the model faithful husband.


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There's a popular picture that circulates on the net which depicts the difference between American women and European women. The European is cute, wearing a thong, shaply and well kept. The American is wearing polyester, gorging on a fastfood burger and looks like a female Michael Moore.

Sometimes truth presents itself in strange ways.

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There's a popular picture that circulates on the net which depicts the difference between American women and European women. The European is cute, wearing a thong, shaply and well kept. The American is wearing polyester, gorging on a fastfood burger and looks like a female Michael Moore.

Sometimes truth presents itself in strange ways.

Have a picture of THIS Euro beauty (first picture in article). The French are now getting fat just like us Americans... almost up to half of them.
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America needs to stop promoting being fat as something good. We are now among the unhealthiest nations in the world, as well as the fattest. Our opulence and sloth help make us despised by the rest of the world.

Instead of politically correct approach to "image", health needs to be promoted above all.

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I agree, anorexia is as potentially dangerous and unhealthy as obesity. There are reasons why people overeat...or don't eat at all...and it's usually because of an emotional issue. Sometimes it takes years to determine the reasons. Many people just don't have the time or money to invest in their own health, while others become absorbed with it.

True, but anorexia is a rarity compared to obesity. I'm not saying it isn't a problem, but obesity affects so many more people!
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Fiannan said:

Letting yourself get fat is as dangerous as breaking the Word of Wisdom, in fact, it should be covered there in my opinion. How effective is a person speaking about the LDS health code when he is 50% over his ideal weight?

Well, one could argue that getting fat is already covered by the WoW. I'm a tad overweight myself, but quite frankly, I have bigger things than the size of my belly to worry about right now (pun intended). :( But it would feel nice to be a bit thinner. Your point is well taken.

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If we could convince our nation to get sugar out of every prepared food, and steroids out of our meet, we might have a chance at looking as good as we should, not to mention becoming healthier.

We are fat because of our poluted food source. Have you ever tried to afford a natural diet? The cost to eat organic foods and meats that have not been tampered with, not to mention the dairy products yuk, can cost an arm and a leg, and still you can't know if you are really getting pure food or just some label that says you are.

If we are to become a thin nation we need to become a nation that isn't trying to kill its people with additives which increase the appitites, gives us diabetes and cancer.

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If we could convince our nation to get sugar out of every prepared food, and steroids out of our meet, we might have a chance at looking as good as we should, not to mention becoming healthier.

So true! We find it very interesting that now trans fats are being removed from packaged foods. The American diet is extremely unhealthy, and if our country is moving toward socialized medicine, Americans can't be sickly.

It's husband has called nearly all of the sports shops and department stores in search of a rebounder. He finally had to order one...every store was sold out!

I believe that people want to be fit, but our diets (additives/preservatives/hormones) sabotage our efforts.

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If we could convince our nation to get sugar out of every prepared food, and steroids out of our meet, we might have a chance at looking as good as we should, not to mention becoming healthier.

We are fat because of our poluted food source. Have you ever tried to afford a natural diet? The cost to eat organic foods and meats that have not been tampered with, not to mention the dairy products yuk, can cost an arm and a leg, and still you can't know if you are really getting pure food or just some label that says you are.

If we are to become a thin nation we need to become a nation that isn't trying to kill its people with additives which increase the appitites, gives us diabetes and cancer.

I cannot agree less. Food additives have been around since the 1970s in the same levels they are today. Yet when I was in high school being fat would not only put you out of the social scene, it would also get you barked at by the PE teachers. Fitness was promoted, jogging was taking off as a popular passtime and people made more time for outdoor activities.

Now PE teachers are taught to be sensitive to kids and try to grade them for their attitude, not their accomplishments. New Age fluff. People are spending more time in front of the TV, computer screen and X-box. Families are smaller but guts are bigger since instead of buying chips and making your 3 or 4 kids divide them you have one or two kids getting what they want at the store.

I will note that you find more fit people in places like Utah, Oregon and Washington because there is still an ethic of health. But the rest of the nation is expanding -- watch soon for the lifespans to start shrinking.

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I cannot agree less. Food additives have been around since the 1970s in the same levels they are today. Yet when I was in high school being fat would not only put you out of the social scene, it would also get you barked at by the PE teachers. Fitness was promoted, jogging was taking off as a popular passtime and people made more time for outdoor activities.

Now PE teachers are taught to be sensitive to kids and try to grade them for their attitude, not their accomplishments. New Age fluff. People are spending more time in front of the TV, computer screen and X-box. Families are smaller but guts are bigger since instead of buying chips and making your 3 or 4 kids divide them you have one or two kids getting what they want at the store.

I will note that you find more fit people in places like Utah, Oregon and Washington because there is still an ethic of health. But the rest of the nation is expanding -- watch soon for the lifespans to start shrinking.

I agree; Americans have become more sedentary, and stuff themselves with larger and larger portions of unhealthy foods.

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Asking his people to be healthier is not ridiculing; since we are well-known as the fattest nation, we just happen to be a good example of how not to be healthy.

If there was a fatter country, I'm sure he would have mentioned them instead. In fact, if you read the article he was not ridiculing at all. You sure can't argue with the advice he gave.

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The topic is: Prince Warns People Not To Get Fat As Americans

The topic is not: Americans Are Ridiculing Themselves As The Fattest Nation On Earth

You should decide what you think the topic is... :lol:

Unfortunately, you apparently didn't read the article, as there was no ridiculing at all, despite your claim to the contrary.

What you seem to be having trouble understanding is that his warning to his people was well-reasoned; he was just using our increasingly fat and unhealthy nation as an example.

He was right to warn them to get such things under control.

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Personally the reson why i think that americans are getting fat is because of all of the adddetives in the food. There was a guy that i used to know he used to deliver bread from the factories and he started to wonder what all of the brown liquid was that they was putting in the bread so he dipped his fingers in the liquid and examined it and after he was done he wiped his fingers on the wall and next time he came back the paint was eaten off the wall were he had wiped his fingers. Then another thing to look at is sugar and if you do a lot of research then you will find that suger in the natural form is accually good for you and has a lot of nutrients in it that the body requires to operate at a healthy level,it is all of the addetives that make it bad and also what it takes to prosses it mainly the chemicals to use to bleach it white then after they bleach it white then they have to add a chemical called lye to counteract the harmful affects of the other chemicals that they put in the sugar but then if you do research on the chemical lye then you will find that it is a very corrosive chemical and the reason it dont kill you is because it is in very small amounts.

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Thanks mzb...amazing things we find out from people who work around certain products...

I don't think that the prince (and I use that term loosly) has any room to make any comments about anyone else. Americans or not.... He could try to justify British foreign policies and all the coverups made, instead of "warning" the public about getting fat.

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The prince warned; you ridiculed. No problem understanding that. LOL

No, you took it as some form of "ridicule". That's on you if you don't read the posts or the article... :rolleyes:

And your post did say:

I beleive the topic is about the Prince ridiculing Americans.

A little consistency would help your case... B)

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