Prince Warns People Not To Get Fat As Americans.


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What you said was:

Actually, Americans are becoming healthier and living longer. Women are having babies into their late 40s-50s. My grandfather ate white bread and red meat, and smoked until his death at age 103.

Today, we have air pollution, water pollution (arsenic has been added to our water supply), cancer-causing agents, additives and preservatives added to our food; hormones fed to our cattle to fatten them up, fattening up those who partake.

Arizona, California, Florida are health/fitness/weight-conscious because sun worshippers want to look good in their bathing suits!

Incidentally, I think this is just more anti-American rhetoric, intended to ridicule Americans

That's rationalizing. Americans are becoming more obese and more sedentary. It is not a good thing, and we getting unhealthier as a nation. Just because medicine has progressed does not give us license to be lazy.

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If we could convince our nation to get sugar out of every prepared food, and steroids out of our meet, we might have a chance at looking as good as we should, not to mention becoming healthier.

We are fat because of our poluted food source. Have you ever tried to afford a natural diet? The cost to eat organic foods and meats that have not been tampered with, not to mention the dairy products yuk, can cost an arm and a leg, and still you can't know if you are really getting pure food or just some label that says you are.

If we are to become a thin nation we need to become a nation that isn't trying to kill its people with additives which increase the appitites, gives us diabetes and cancer.

I cannot agree less. Food additives have been around since the 1970s in the same levels they are today. Yet when I was in high school being fat would not only put you out of the social scene, it would also get you barked at by the PE teachers. Fitness was promoted, jogging was taking off as a popular passtime and people made more time for outdoor activities.

Now PE teachers are taught to be sensitive to kids and try to grade them for their attitude, not their accomplishments. New Age fluff. People are spending more time in front of the TV, computer screen and X-box. Families are smaller but guts are bigger since instead of buying chips and making your 3 or 4 kids divide them you have one or two kids getting what they want at the store.

I will note that you find more fit people in places like Utah, Oregon and Washington because there is still an ethic of health. But the rest of the nation is expanding -- watch soon for the lifespans to start shrinking.

I cannot agree less. My girls were nearly run into the ground by their PE teacher. Steroids and harmons are in the beef and poultry having had inside information on how the speed up and increase the muscle growth and how that messes with our matabalism.

And you would have had to be under a rock for the last thirty years to not know the effects of these two things on the human body. Wake up bro. And this doesn't even address the white flour, white sugar and other preservatives added ~and most of all the appitite increasing stuff.

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PE classes should include all levels of activities to include all children. Competitive sports just aren't for everyone, and there should be some alternatives given. I've read where golf is introduced to youngsters trying to install an interest in something they may enjoy later on in life. I would like to see an option of several things given to the youth as physical education activities, not just what the teacher or district determines is the cheapest or easiest to offer. We DO need to help mold our children, as a child I loved to play softball and running games that we had during PE/recess time, and I always felt bad for those that just stood around and did nothing (most didn't like to run...or perhaps couldn't run).

Many children are used to getting away with things they don't like or don't want to do, and wait for something that will interest them before they make a move to do anything.

Here is a school district that is trying to do something to help fight childhood obesity.... I was appauled when I first heard about it, but then I remembered those children standing around doing nothing because they didn't like to run. Right now, I have mixed feelings on this article.

West Virginia puts video game in public schools to fight childhood obesity

another good article:

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Arizona, California, Florida are health/fitness/weight-conscious because sun worshippers want to look good in their bathing suits!

You haven't seen the tubbies I have seen here in Arizona. From the "Winter Visiters" to the locals, most especially the Native Americans. Whooeee, they are overly plump.

I am overly plump too ~ yet I dress modestly. Being LDS is one reason, another is I think it is absolutely GROSS to wear clothes so tight you can "see" all of the cellulite bulges, bumps, hairs, etc. :wow:

I love food. Real butter, breads, sour cream, cream cheese, chips and dip, candy. I love vegetables. Raw, steamed, sauteed, tempura, with sauces, a bit of butter, a lot of butter, sour cream with a few drops of Balsamic vinegar, etc.

My husband doesn't like many vegetables, and those few that he does he wants overly cooked. BLAH! He thinks that potatoes, rice and pasta is bad for you. So what does that leave for him to eat? Oh, and he believes that beef is the cause of Alzheimer's in his Mother, so he really doesn't want to eat much of that.

If I interpret the Word of Wisdom right, then we have been encouraged to eat grains, vegetables and fruits in their seasons.

I take umbrage at the Prince's use of Americans as being a bad example for his people to emulate: Get as fat as. The articles that I have seen: newspapers, media, etc. Britain has had plenty of FAT people. Their main diet is a carbohydrate and fat rich diet. Or what my mother would call Poor Folks food. Lots of potatoes, gravy, biscuits, bread. Fills you up and is cheap.

In My Humble Opinion that is.


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You haven't seen the tubbies I have seen here in Arizona. From the "Winter Visiters" to the locals, most especially the Native Americans. Whooeee, they are overly plump.

In My Humble Opinion that is.


Your post was funny! I, too, am from Arizona...I'm not skinny, but I'm not fat either. I've improved my adult diet over my childhood diet, and am doing my best to anti-age. ;-)

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Somthing else that is causing americans to be so over wieght is the people that manufacture the food put things in it to addict people,like for instance if you do research on the beverage coke than you will find that they used to stick cocain in thier drinks then people would be addicted to there drink and they would sell a lot more of there product, then cocain got banned and now they use caffeen to addict people and that is a good portion of the reason that americans are becoming over wieght.

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Man, whatever happened to disagreeing civilly?

Would you like me to cut and paste some of your comments to Aristole on the other threads? Maybe they could help you find out what happened to disagreeing civilly. :)

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Something else that is causing Americans to be so overweight is the people that manufacture the food put things in it to addict people,like for instance if you do research on the beverage coke than you will find that they used to stick cocaine in their drinks then people would be addicted to there drink and they would sell a lot more of there product, then cocaine got banned and now they use caffeine to addict people and that is a good portion of the reason that Americans are becoming overweight.

Here is what I found on Coca-Cola, taken from this site:

So, yes, at one time there was cocaine in Coca-Cola. But before you're tempted to run off claiming Coca-Cola turned generations of drinkers into dope addicts, consider the following: back in 1885 it was far from uncommon to use cocaine in patent medicines (which is what Coca-Cola was originally marketed as) and other medical potions. When it first became general knowledge that cocaine could be harmful, the backroom chemists who comprised Coca-Cola at the time (long before it became the huge company we now know) did everything they could with the technology they had available at the time to remove every trace of cocaine from the beverage. What was left behind (until the technology improved enough for it all to be removed) wasn't enough to give a fly a buzz.

the people that manufacture the food put things in it to addict people

Do you have any references for this statement? It does seem pretty far fetched that food manufacturers would go to those lengths, especially with the high quality standards the US demands of everyone involved the food industry.


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when cocain became out lawed then they started using caffieen to addict people. And as far as the addictents being put in food it is mostly the preservetives that they put in the food. If the food standards are so high then why do they allow dead mice into beer or the harmful chemical monasodium glunimate into our food products or ddt into serial or into the boxes were it can contaminate the food. monasodium glunimate is used in 3rd world countries to control the population it makes people steral.

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Would you like me to cut and paste some of your comments to Aristole on the other threads? Maybe they could help you find out what happened to disagreeing civilly. :)

And some of yours to me and others, of course, which we won't bother to cut and paste. :rolleyes: I've been working to be civil with Ari even when she was working hard to start an argument, and I've done just that most of the time. Yes, it did get unpleasant at times, and I notice Ari has been busy editing her posts this past weekend to remove her comments.

That's your excuse?

While some of us are trying to abide by the board standards, others are going out of their way to spread contention.

What I'd "like" you to do is back off on the nasty attitude you show every time someone disagrees with your opinions.

At least Ari now seems to be making an effort. ;)

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PE classes should include all levels of activities to include all children. Competitive sports just aren't for everyone, and there should be some alternatives given. I've read where golf is introduced to youngsters trying to install an interest in something they may enjoy later on in life. I would like to see an option of several things given to the youth as physical education activities, not just what the teacher or district determines is the cheapest or easiest to offer. We DO need to help mold our children, as a child I loved to play softball and running games that we had during PE/recess time, and I always felt bad for those that just stood around and did nothing (most didn't like to run...or perhaps couldn't run).

Many children are used to getting away with things they don't like or don't want to do, and wait for something that will interest them before they make a move to do anything.

Here is a school district that is trying to do something to help fight childhood obesity.... I was appauled when I first heard about it, but then I remembered those children standing around doing nothing because they didn't like to run. Right now, I have mixed feelings on this article.

West Virginia puts video game in public schools to fight childhood obesity

another good article:

Exactly. Food is one part of the problem, but the US has gotten more sedentary as well. The Army now has a pre-basic training camp for young people to help get them get physically able to go into basic training. That's pathetic.

I have a friend who works as a dietician at a local hospital counseling overweight patients. She recently counseled a 13-year-old boy who weighed over 300 pounds and plays video games 7 hours a day. She said her patient load has more than tripled in the last five years. :o

Video games, 400 channels of television and computers have made us lazy, and fast food helped the problem until we are an obese nation. The DDR video game idea is a good one, by the way. ;)

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when cocain became out lawed then they started using caffieen to addict people. And as far as the addictents being put in food it is mostly the preservetives that they put in the food. If the food standards are so high then why do they allow dead mice into beer or the harmful chemical monasodium glunimate into our food products or ddt into serial or into the boxes were it can contaminate the food. monasodium glunimate is used in 3rd world countries to control the population it makes people steral.

Can we say 'conspiracy theory'? Please show me sources (credible ones) that show there are 'addictants' being put into food.
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...I notice Ari has been busy editing her posts this past weekend to remove her comments.

At least Ari now seems to be making an effort. ;)

I would highly recommend following suit. ;-)

P.S. Please have the courtesy to refer to me as my registered name. At least one other member has recently changed his name and you have extended him that courtesy. (i.e., Unorthodox)

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k i found a source for you to look at it is wikipedia and look up the addetive caffeine and go down the page to sideaffects and it will tell you that it is more than just an addictent it is very harmfull to the human body and if you look on the side were it shows the chemical makeup of caffeine it says may be fatel or hazardus if if consumed or comes in contact with skin. Another example i have is the product cookie crisps,it has the chemical trisodium phosphate when looked up you will find it is used as a heavy duty degreaser and paint remover wich i dont think is healthy for the human body.Tv and vidieo games are most of the reason that americans are getting fat another part is the discipline in the home when a little kid doesnt learn to work in the home it not only makes it harder for the parents it also makes lasy kids and it also makes more time for the kid the watch tv and play vidieo games and the parents dont realize it till one day bam there kid is all growed up and he or she is skiping from job to job and it takes a few years in the work force to learn how to work and by then they are already fat and living off fast food and then it takes a lot of will power to lose the weight.

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