So many things, I don't know where to start.


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Greetings, everyone!

I'm not sure where to start. I was baptized in 2006, but went inactive shortly after. Earlier this year, the Spirit prompted me to go back. I have not been able to go to Sacrament Meeting or the other meetings, every week, due to illness, though. It just seems if it's not one thing going on with me, it's another.

My Visiting Teachers and Home Teacher have been over once since I've returned to the ward. I did meet with the Bishop a while ago about some personal issues and the possibility of me getting my Patriarchal Blessing. I am feeling very lost, in many ways, not just spiritually, and feel that a PB could help me immensely. I'm to have a lesson from my HT about PB's but he's not been here in a while. I know he knows, because he did come over to do a healing blessing with a member of the Elder's Quorum and I brought it up to him. I finally emailed my RS President and told her I haven't seen my VT's in a while. I understand that summer is a time where people go on vacations, etc, though. Come to find out, my VT's are having a hard time getting together to see me, as one is frequently away on business. So, I understand that. I emailed my HT and asked him about the PB lesson and he said we'd discuss it when I was at church. Well, I was sick and didn't go. No word from him.

Now, I've feeling as if I'm unworthy of a PB or even just a visit from my teachers. I don't know if my Bishop knows any of what is going on. I don't want to bother him with such trivial things, though. Should I email him and let him know that I haven't met with him again about the PB(Oh yea, I was to set up a meeting with him after I had the lesson), because I'm still waiting on my HT? Or does he think I'm unworthy, too? I explained to my RS President what was going on with my attendance and she's understanding. She says that Heavenly Father knows that I am trying to go to Sacrament, etc, and that I shouldn't be feeling unworthy of my VT's or HT.

Any advice would be great. I just hope my post makes sense as I'm very good at confusing people, especially myself! LOL!

Love and Laughter,


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We just had a wonderful lesson in Relief Society about building bridges. One of them talked about being involved in Relief Society. Sometimes we may feel that nobody notices us or may be too busy for us. So, instead of sulking, we need to jump and take action ourselves. I noticed you mentioned how you contacted your RS President and HT. Great start! Oh, and I wasn't accusing you of sulking, I'm just giving an example. Sometimes others are so busy, they seem to forget things. This doesn't mean they don't want to teach you, nor does it mean you're not worthy. Keep trying! Find out who your VT's are. Contact them yourself, and ask, "Hey, when can you come visit me? I would really love your visit soon." They'd be more likely to get on the ball when they hear it from you directly.

I'm sorry you have illnesses that often prevent you from going to church. Since you're away from them, make sure you know it's not completely their responsibility to notice you're absent. Keep letting people know. Keep contact with people. Sometimes others need to be constantly reminded. If you're real concerned, get together with your bishop and let him know. Maybe he would be able to arrange something for you?

Don't accuse yourself of being unworthy! If you're doing your absolute best to keep a good relationship with your Heavenly Father, you're on the right track. Don't ever think your problems aren't good enough to take to the bishop. There's a reason why he was called to serve as a bishop; to look after the people in the ward. Don't hesitate to talk to him thinking you're wasting his time. I promise, you will not be wasting his time! If anything, he will help you tremendously. Good luck, and keep up the great work on being proactive!

And remember, Heavenly Father is always here. If you feel you may be unworthy for anything, pray to Him. He, along with the bishop, will help you overcome this feeling. I promise it will make a difference in your life. Remember to always keep trying.

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I was a single mom raising an autistic boy. I eventually went several times to my bishop (after going through the proper channels first) and asked repeatedly about having a home teacher that actually would come to my home. I got a home teacher that has been with me several years now. (he has lost a few companions to death) I always do better when I have active home teachers. What you want is not a trival thing. Keep asking and don't quit. Also right now ask for a blessing of comfort. And most importantly, don't quit. FC

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I was a single mom raising an autistic boy. I eventually went several times to my bishop (after going through the proper channels first) and asked repeatedly about having a home teacher that actually would come to my home. I got a home teacher that has been with me several years now. (he has lost a few companions to death) I always do better when I have active home teachers. What you want is not a trival thing. Keep asking and don't quit. Also right now ask for a blessing of comfort. And most importantly, don't quit. FC

Thank you, FairChild. I will see about having a blessing of comfort done. If my HT doesn't respond to that, I will ask my Bishop to reassign me. I just was given new VT's and am meeting them Thursday! I am so happy! :)

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I'm to have a lesson from my HT about PB's but he's not been here in a while. I know he knows, because he did come over to do a healing blessing with a member of the Elder's Quorum and I brought it up to him.


I emailed my HT and asked him about the PB lesson and he said we'd discuss it when I was at church. Well, I was sick and didn't go. No word from him.

Now, I've feeling as if I'm unworthy of a PB or even just a visit from my teachers. I don't know if my Bishop knows any of what is going on. I don't want to bother him with such trivial things, though. Should I email him and let him know that I haven't met with him again about the PB(Oh yea, I was to set up a meeting with him after I had the lesson), because I'm still waiting on my HT?

If you SEARCH, you will find. (In today's vernacular - if you GOOGLE, you will find.) :)

I would do a search on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for "Patriarchal Blessings" - particularly articles in The New Era magazine. (BTW, just to be sure you're reading things correctly, I would keep your search to the Official Church website.) These articles are geared towards the youth and may be much simpler to understand. The important part is to be able to ask questions of others so you can get an idea of what to expect.

I would look for answers to questions like:

- What is the purpose of a Patriarchal Blessing?

- Who received the FIRST blessing?

- What information can I expect to learn in my blessing?

- What is the significance of knowing which of the 12 tribes of Israel I belong to?

Here's what I would do:

1 - Do some personal research and scriptural study.

2 - Set up a meeting with your RS President (since she does communicate with you) and ask her all your questions.

3 - Set up a meeting with your Bishop to get a recommend to see your Stake Patriarch.

Basically, Don't wait for your home teachers or visiting teachers. If you want something... LET'S GET IT! :D

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As much as we would like to think that we have the luxury of sitting back and letting our HT's and VT't take the initiative, it really is our responsibility to make sure we are getting the blessings of the gospel that we deserve. I've been on both ends. I've had VT's and HT's who I hadn't seen in months. I've been a VT who just couldn't seem to get a schedule with my companion that worked. It wasn't a lack of caring, it was just simple logistics. I see nothing wrong with calling the VT and HT supervisors and tell them you WANT visits and aren't getting them. If whoever is assigned to you is having scheduling conflicts, then the supervisors should look at that and maybe reassign you to someone else.

This year I am living away from my ward, so I talked to my VT supervisor and she removed me from being a VT for now (I will also not be receiving visits from VT's, because two hours is just too far for them to drive, lol). I will probably talk to the local ward where I am currently living and see if I can be a VT here, even though I will usually be back in my home ward on weekends. It might or might not work, but I feel it is my responsibility to make the effort.

Also, are you a VT yourself? Even with medical issues that keep you at home, you can still be a VT! There was a very sweet article in the Ensign awhile back about an elderly blind woman who was a VT. She couldn't visit her sisters in person, but she always made sure to call them. Because of her phone calls, one inactive sister returned to activity in the church. So even if you can't go to church regularly or physically visit your sisters, you can still find other ways to "visit" them: phone calls, letters, etc.

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