Jacob 3:1


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1 But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.

Quotes for Discussion

“Firmness of mind”

To look to God with “firmness of mind” is to be constant and undeterred in one’s progress toward that life which is like God’s; it is to have undimmed vision of the plans and purposes of the Almighty; to enjoy peace and confidence in the Master as the tespests rage on all sides. To look to God with firmness of mind is to be, as Nephi said, steadfast in Christ (see 2 Nephi 31:19-20)—to pursue an undeviating course.

Millet & McConkie, Doctrinal Commentary on BOM, Vol 2, p. 24

“Pray unto Him with exceeding faith”

In a theological school held in Kirtland during the winter of 1834-35, Heber C. Kimball related a story of simple faith that touched a responsive cord in the Prophet’s heart and revealed the quality of faith which he possessed. Kimball’s little daughter had broken a saucer and for the act was promised a whipping, to be administered by her mother when she returned from a visit on which she was just starting. While her mother was away, the girl went out under an apple tree and prayed that her mother’s heart might be softened so that the promised punishment might not be administered. Mrs. Kimball was very careful to fulfill her promises to her children, but upon returning she had no disposition to chastise her chlid. Later the child told her mother that she had prayed to God that she might not receive the whipping. “Joseph wept like a child on hearing this simple narrative and its application,’ Kimball reported.

In the Prophet’s reaction may be found a key to his nature. He, too, knew the power of childlike faith. Hence the narration of that simple incident deeply touched him. At another time he sat down to eat a scanty meal of corn bread, and prayed, “Lord, we thank Thee for this johnny cake, and ask Thee to send us something better. Amen.” Before the bread had been eaten, a man came to the door and asked if Joseph were home, and upon being informed that he was, said, “I have brought you some flour and a ham.” After thanking the man and blessing him for the gift, the Prophet rturned to his wife and said, “I knew the Lord would answer my prayer.”

Hyrum L. Andrus, Joseph Smith, the Man and the Seer [salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1970], 58-59

“Console you in your afflictions”

The Holy Spirit speaks peace to the hearts of…disconsolate mortals he is called the Comforter. He brings peace and solace, love and quiet enjoyment, the joy of redemption and the hope of eternal life.

Bruce R. McConkie, New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 268

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