What Type Of Mormon Are You?


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You can also say "what type of Mormon were you"

On my misson I got to see how many differnt types there were. I always knew, but know I really know.

I found a website that had 4 types

What type are you closest to. Hybrid Types are cool too

Paper Mormons have no social or spiritual attachment to the Church. Their names could be on the rolls because they were born in the covenant and then fell away or because they were hastily baptized and then rethought their decision, but they no longer think like Mormons. In fact, the only commonality this group shares is a lack of Mormon-ness.

Pretty Mormons have a high degree of social commitment but no spiritual commitment. They are outwardly very orthodox and appear as Ensign-cover ideals. But while these people may be Coke-scorning Republican stalwarts with large families, they have never seriously attempted to spiritually connect with the doctrines of the Church. These people hate living in “the mission field” because their conformity to a belief that in Wisconsin or Texas is seen as a bizarre cult does not have any social advantages.

Obediac Mormons are spiritually and socially committed to the Church. In some ways, they are Pretty Mormons with powerful testimonies. Indeed, in areas where there are large numbers of Mormons it is hard to tell the difference between Pretty and Obediac Mormons, but in “the mission field” it is simple: the Obediacs are the ones in church. Because of their intense commitment to the Church, however, they easily loose patience with members of the other groups.

Caffeinated Mormons are believers, but they scorn the nondoctrinal culture that has grown up around the Church. They do not look to this culture for guidance on most lifestyle issues, even though they are just as likely to be at sacrament meeting as Obediacs. All bets are off, however, when it comes to social mores. While they may be Republicans, they may also have facial hair, belly rings, an open container of Pepsi in their hands, a piece of rum cake on their plate, naughty underwear in their bedroom drawers, etc. Obediacs love to call Caffeinated Mormons worldly, and Caffeinated Mormons usually respond by saying “and your point was?”

I would say that I am a Caffeninated Mormon.

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The one that sounds most like me is caffeinated mormon. I am actually democrat, I am a woman so no facial hair, I always wanted a belly ring, but I was afraid it would hurt, I can always be found drinking Diet Dr. Pepper, I think Tiramisu(Sp) is yummy and I do have some fun lingirie. I am inactive though so I guess that matches the paper mormon. I guess I am a mix of both.

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I'm sorry to say I can think of a lot more categories than four. How about the "Non-caffinated alcoholics". I know one, actually he does drink a little coffee too, but says that since alcohol in small amounts helps preven athleroscrosis, he has a little drink now and then. He sites Brigham Young's brewry as justification. If it was good enough for Bro. Brig, it's good enough for me.

How about the "I like everything in the Church, except the meetings" guy. Or the "I'm born Mormon and go to church, but if it weren't that my mother would disown me, I would be just as happy in any other church". I know one of those?

How about the "I would really rather not be Bishop, but my wife would kill me if I resigned" guy.

How about the "Native American's don't have Jewish DNA, but you think I'm about to tell the whole family about it?" Know one of those?

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I'm sorry to say I can think of a lot more categories than four. How about the "Non-caffinated alcoholics". I know one, actually he does drink a little coffee too, but says that since alcohol in small amounts helps preven athleroscrosis, he has a little drink now and then. He sites Brigham Young's brewry as justification. If it was good enough for Bro. Brig, it's good enough for me.

How about the "I like everything in the Church, except the meetings" guy. Or the "I'm born Mormon and go to church, but if it weren't that my mother would disown me, I would be just as happy in any other church". I know one of those?

How about the "I would really rather not be Bishop, but my wife would kill me if I resigned" guy.

How about the "Native American's don't have Jewish DNA, but you think I'm about to tell the whole family about it?" Know one of those?

What about the "I don't need to wait for the judgement, I have it all figured out", or "All 12 of my kids are insanely loud but I don't seem to notice", the list goes on.

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Hi I am I guess what you would call a Paper Mormon. Not that I really want to be. I would go to church and then I would stop for a while and then go and stop. I am afraid to go back because they may be looking at me as a paper mormon. I do read my scriptures daily and I am having some trouble with eating healthy foods. But I am trying. I have had anxiety attacks in the past and that is why I stopped. Although I am doing well now I still feel funny going back. There is two wards not far from my home and I am not sure I should go to the other one or not any suggestions. Try the old again or try the new? Thanks :)

You can also say "what type of Mormon were you"

On my misson I got to see how many differnt types there were. I always knew, but know I really know.

I found a website that had 4 types

What type are you closest to. Hybrid Types are cool too

Paper Mormons have no social or spiritual attachment to the Church. Their names could be on the rolls because they were born in the covenant and then fell away or because they were hastily baptized and then rethought their decision, but they no longer think like Mormons. In fact, the only commonality this group shares is a lack of Mormon-ness.

Pretty Mormons have a high degree of social commitment but no spiritual commitment. They are outwardly very orthodox and appear as Ensign-cover ideals. But while these people may be Coke-scorning Republican stalwarts with large families, they have never seriously attempted to spiritually connect with the doctrines of the Church. These people hate living in “the mission field” because their conformity to a belief that in Wisconsin or Texas is seen as a bizarre cult does not have any social advantages.

Obediac Mormons are spiritually and socially committed to the Church. In some ways, they are Pretty Mormons with powerful testimonies. Indeed, in areas where there are large numbers of Mormons it is hard to tell the difference between Pretty and Obediac Mormons, but in “the mission field” it is simple: the Obediacs are the ones in church. Because of their intense commitment to the Church, however, they easily loose patience with members of the other groups.

Caffeinated Mormons are believers, but they scorn the nondoctrinal culture that has grown up around the Church. They do not look to this culture for guidance on most lifestyle issues, even though they are just as likely to be at sacrament meeting as Obediacs. All bets are off, however, when it comes to social mores. While they may be Republicans, they may also have facial hair, belly rings, an open container of Pepsi in their hands, a piece of rum cake on their plate, naughty underwear in their bedroom drawers, etc. Obediacs love to call Caffeinated Mormons worldly, and Caffeinated Mormons usually respond by saying “and your point was?”

I would say that I am a Caffeninated Mormon.

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Hi...speaking as a non LDS, I wouldn't consider you a paper mormon, from what you've described I would say that you were/are a very sincere mormon, trying to do your best under difficult circumstances (panic attacks).

I would initially contact either the Bishop of the ward you previously attended, or one of the women there who you knew well and felt comfortable with, explain your difficulties in returning to that ward in view of your panic attacks, and see if someone can 'befriend' you, attend the ward with you and stay with you there in order to introduce you back into the community there, and ensure that you are not left alone wondering if people are talking about you and judging you. If you eventually feel comfortable to carry on attending by yourself, without this extra support then maybe you wont start to miss church so much in the future, or will have the phone number of somebody you can call if you start to feel panicky again so that they can come along with you again.

Good luck!

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Hi...speaking as a non LDS, I wouldn't consider you a paper mormon, from what you've described I would say that you were/are a very sincere mormon, trying to do your best under difficult circumstances (panic attacks).

I would initially contact either the Bishop of the ward you previously attended, or one of the women there who you knew well and felt comfortable with, explain your difficulties in returning to that ward in view of your panic attacks, and see if someone can 'befriend' you, attend the ward with you and stay with you there in order to introduce you back into the community there, and ensure that you are not left alone wondering if people are talking about you and judging you. If you eventually feel comfortable to carry on attending by yourself, without this extra support then maybe you wont start to miss church so much in the future, or will have the phone number of somebody you can call if you start to feel panicky again so that they can come along with you again.

Good luck!

Hi Thanks for your advice it really helps
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