Scared to serve a mission?


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Let me begin by saying I'm a convert to the LDS church. I joined about 4 yrs ago. I've always had a desire to serve a mission. The day I was baptized I went tracting with the Sister missionaries and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I avoided trying to serve because I couldn't pay nor would family approve. However, after some time has passed, I feel I can no longer ignore it. It is what I want to do.

I'll be 24 soon and I'll admit I'm nervous about serving a mission. I've talked to my home ward bishop (who encourages me to try to get married first) and my stake prez (who is encouraging me to do whatever my heart desires). I have to say, my family disagrees with decision and most of my family isn't even aware I'm LDS because it embarrasses my family too much.

I'm scared because I don't think I can be the best missionary. I never owned a Bible until I joined the church. I've tried studying my scriptures, preach my gospel and I'm a Gospel Principles teacher right now at my ward.

I was taught my the most amazing Elder, he has been such an inspiration to me when it comes to finding strength to serve. I just worry that I'll do terrible as a missionary, have no support from my family and then come back to a very upset family. It's one thing to say "I don't care what you all think, I'm going!" because I eventually have to come back to them.

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I left on my mission 2.5 years after being baptized. Never read in the scriptures prior to taking the discussions. I didn't have the money to go. I was lucky in that some of my family was supportive of the decision to serve (even though others were not). So, I know a lot of what you are facing. I experienced it myself.

What is important in being a missionary is the Spirit. You cannot fail if you are guided by the Holy Ghost. You can be unlearned, crippled, or inhibited, but if you carry the Spirit to the hearts of others, there is no way you can fail. Don't even for a second think that you can't be a successful and meaningful missionary.

God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability! Elder Neil A. Maxwell

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Prepare to go. The qualifications for being a missionary are in D&C 4. It sounds like you qualify. And whom the Lord calls, he qualifies.

The first few months of the mission you will be with a senior companion, who will teach you the ropes. Soon, you will be comfortable with the mission and teaching other new missionaries how to serve properly.

We were all nervous before going on our missions. And we're all nervous as we prepare to return from our missions. If the Spirit is encouraging you, then follow your heart.

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I was born a Mormon and I never wanted to go on a mission because I was afraid. I was afraid to leave the comfort of home, I was afraid to go somewhere where I knew nobody, I was afraid to bother people about church, and I was afraid that I would miss many of the things I like to do. I was afraid that I didn't measure up to missionary standards, I was afraid that I would be wasting the Lord's time and my parent's money, and even though I had read the Book of Mormon, I was certain that I should be the student, not the teacher. I was afraid because I didn't even know what missionaries did. Somehow my bishop talked me into going on a mission (mostly because I couldn't look him in the eye and say no). When my parents left me at the MTC I had the sudden knowledge that this was now real. I, the seemingly unworthy, put my self-esteem issues aside and at the risk of being perceived as a complete and total idiot, I first put my trust in the Lord and then I went out and pretended like I knew what I was doing. It was a very short time before I learned that I was no less worthy than most missionaries and in not much longer of a time I learned so much about the gospel and my testimony that to this day it is unshaken. It is quite likely that your mission will do more for you than anybody else.

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I just had an eyeopening and uplifting conversation with one of my missionaries. He was not supported by his family, didn't know how he was going to go, and has some learning disabilities which he has overcome but which still taint his belief in himself. Yet here he is, a wonderful missionary, very knowledgeable in the Scripture, and growing and maturing before my eyes. You can do this. I gather all the missionaries are a little nervous and unsure, but that will fade in time. I don't think Heavenly Father cares when you got your first Bible or when you were baptized. If this is what you want to do, continue to pray on it and ask for help from the Holy Ghost. I get the feeling, though, that you would make a good missionary. Somebody out there needs to hear from you.

This is only me talking, but I think that you will find support from your serious investigators and the ward to which you are attached.

There are Catholic nuns who stay in the convent and pray for the world. I think our praying for the missionaries is similar in a way. You don't know us, be we are there, praying for and supporting you, wherever you are. Take heart in that.

Good luck in coming to your decision.

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Guest mormonmusic

I'd go. I was in the same boat. And to make matters worse, our Public Communications director got a big article in the local papers that I was about to serve a mission for the Mormon church, and my Dad said it was the most embarassing thing for him. I was pretty insensitive on that count.

So, I would go on the mission; just be sensitive with your parents about it. Make sure you communicate with them often by whatever means the mission allows. I found they totally checked out when I tried conversion attempts in my letters, or went too deep into the spiritual things that were happening to me.

The mission was a pretty important experience in my life though; if you want to go, do it soon and get the most out of it.

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I had always liked the idea of serving a mission (in fact, after my teaching contract wasn't renewed in the spring my parents actually offered to pay for a mission for me; I met a boy instead). But it never seemed absolutely a must for me. Even when I prayed about it, my answer was to go if I wanted but that I could do other things instead. For me, it was never really fear.

My little sister is semi-debating it. Her boyfriend is almost two years younger than her and is preparing for his mission, which has her excited at the idea of serving herself even though she's really not the kind of girl I see serving a mission.

So what defines the best missionary? Is there a rubric for it? While I have the opinion that some people just shouldn't serve missions I think the average fearful member can certainly make a go of it.

Besides, there's all sorts of potential members in the world. It takes all sorts to reach them.

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