February 21, 2011 - 116 pages of lost manuscript


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I don’t pretend to know why we lost those original 116 pages, but I’m not losing any sleep about that because the Lord provided for that long before anyone needed to worry about translating them. The 116 pages are probably wonderful, but I cannot imagine that they could be more wonderful than the small plates of Nephi. It is inconceivable to me that anything could be better than that. Consider the teachings of the books of Nephi, of Jacob, of Enos and of Jarom and Omni and even the little editorial comment from the Words of Mormon. They are magnificent.

At least six times in the Book of Mormon the phrase, “for a wise purpose,” is used in reference to the making, writing and preserving of the small plates. One such purpose obviously was to cover the same material as the loss of 116 pages. If you want an example of God’s omniscience, here it is. He anticipated by 2,500 years, the possibilities of Mrs. Harris doing whatever she did with those papers. So He planned for that well in advance. Don’t tell me that God doesn’t know the future. He knows it in great detail.

Jeffrey R. Holland

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