Emergency Food Storage


Emernegcy Food Storage Location  

  1. 1. Emernegcy Food Storage Location

    • Kitchen Pantry
    • Kitchen Cabinets
    • Garage
    • Shed
    • Basement
    • Root Cellar
    • Storage Rental Facility
    • All Around the Home
    • Attic
    • Car
    • RV, Trailer, Camper
    • other
    • none

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This seems quite a morbid topic.

Are we going to war :blink: ?

We have loads and loads and loads of tinned food in our cupboards so we have little to worry about.

Once I overslept and was woken up by the Nuclear Siren, I was really really frightened!

I hid under the stairs in the centre of the house (we don't have a basement and this is the safest place in our house)

It turned out that our local barracks now do drills for nuclear warfare.

It would have been nice if we were informed that the sirens would go off every Friday at mid day. :glare: .

To be honest, when I die, I die. I'm not really bothered how or when.

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Not sure why having a food storage would be a morbid thing. I have been a boy scout since I was a kid. We were always taught to be prepared. The Scout motto. I think having a a food storage is part of being prepared. We should also have cash reserves and I try never to have my gas tank below half full.


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I was a boy scout too.

I thought the food reservers we were talking about were ones for war, for personal use incase of nuclear warfare.

If so, don't forget a few bottles to use as the toilet :mellow: and whatever you do, don't get them mixed up with the water you have saved. :huh:

As for normal food reserves, we have far too much food for our little family. :(

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I was a boy scout too.

I thought the food reservers we were talking about were ones for war, for personal use incase of nuclear warfare.

If so, don't forget a few bottles to use as the toilet :mellow: and whatever you do, don't get them mixed up with the water you have saved. :huh:

As for normal food reserves, we have far too much food for our little family. :(

But for how long, Christos? By no means am I an alarmist, but I totally agree with the LDS practice of food (and other necessary supplies) storage. Although I tend to be an optimist and don't worry so much about the end of the world scenarios, there is always the threat of terrorism or the latest bird flu scare (that seems like a real possibility).

Think how nice it would be if bird flu began spreading from person to person, if you could just wait it out in your home for a few weeks without having to go out for necessary supplies. It is also important to keep in mind that basic utilities wouldn't necessarily operate since many of those workers wouldn't want to leave their families and risk infection each day.

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We have always had food storage, plus a vegtable garden, plus laying chickens for eggs (and compost) plus fruit trees. We try to eat good and healthy

We buy our food when its on special and in large quantities to replenish our food store, so we eat what we store and get it at a lower price. We also buy in bulk, like flour and suger.

In my years we have not been directly effected by war but we have by other issues where we have needed cash for bills, at one time we lived for 3 months on food storage to make ends meet, it was one great blessing to be so prepared.

We have preserved but as the children have departed we do less of that, we have dried many things for keeping and also made jams all have extended ourstorage ability and the quality of what we eat.

Home storage is an awesome blessing that has saved us in so many ways.


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Guest Monica

Food storage is for many reasons. Not just for war. It is for in case you loose your job, if there is a storm, if there is someone in need of food, if you are too ill to go to the market, etc. Its a good idea to have what you need handy.

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