How to Do Baptisms For the Dead


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well I'm going to the temple tomorrow for our ward temple night, can't wait. I briefly talked to the EQ President about it, and he said just to bring myself and my recommend. He didn't say anything about extra underclothes...should i just bring them anyway? If so, is it okay to bring a backpack in the temple?

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Guest saintish

it shouldn't be a problem, however if the EQ Pres said you just need your self i'd be 99% sure the temple will provide underwear for you to be baptized in.

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I'm seriously thinking about converting.Could you explain more of the tithing? is it 10% of your weekly/bi weekly salary? or your annual.If I just tithe without contribute to say General Missionary or any of the others will that prevent me from getting a Temple Recommend?

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well I'm going to the temple tomorrow for our ward temple night, can't wait. I briefly talked to the EQ President about it, and he said just to bring myself and my recommend. He didn't say anything about extra underclothes...should i just bring them anyway? If so, is it okay to bring a backpack in the temple?

I brought a bag with a change of undies, hair stuff, and dressy clothes. I wore comfy stuff on the way, but ended up wearing my dress clothes back. I don't know about other Temples, but at Nauvoo I had to change into the nice clothes at a building near the temple, then walk over. I'm so used to the discomforts of air travel, and not used to car trips, that I dressed causal for the car trip up. I didn't realize how comfortable I'd be in a skirt and stockings (and I'm smacking myself for even typing those words) in the car. There will be a place for you to put your bag while you are doing the baptisms/confirmations. Remember that women have purses and hair accouterments and that stuff has to be put up somewhere, doesn't it? :D

We got a one piece underwear thing at the temple, which was nice and stretchy and quite supportive. Something that you don't have to worry about, but noticed I when I was changing out of the wet clothes that there was nail polish remover available. Another convert and I still had our polish on; no one told us about the polish thing - and apparently a lot of the born Mormon young women who went on our ward trip didn't know either.

There was a lot of talk amongst the women/young women because a lot of us were going for the first time and had questions about what to do. When I go again, I'd like to stay as quiet as possible and just take in the experience and meditate on what I'm doing.

I have to admit to being spoiled by the history and loveliness of Nauvoo, but it would be cool to go to temples around the country. One of my missionaries practically jumped out of his skin when they announced a new temple in his hometown of Meridian, ID during Conference. His mother wants to come to Nauvoo when he ends his mission and the three of us go the temple together, which would be wonderful.

I don't know what the right words to say are when someone goes to the temple - have a wonderful time? Have a blessed time? Dunno. But have a good one and keep your wits about you so that you will remember your first time doing this needful work.

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I'm seriously thinking about converting.Could you explain more of the tithing? is it 10% of your weekly/bi weekly salary? or your annual.If I just tithe without contribute to say General Missionary or any of the others will that prevent me from getting a Temple Recommend?

Hi tlazer... Tithing is 10% of your increase. That usually means 10% of your income if you work for somebody. Say, if you receive a $100 paycheck every week, you can pay $10 every week. Or, you can wait until the end of the month and pay $40 because you received 4 $100 paychecks - it's up to you.

But say, you're a tomato farmer, 10% of your increase might mean a bushel of tomatoes out of the 10 bushels that you harvested... or if you're a stay at home mom, it could mean... 10 cents from the 1 dollar you received from volunteering to walk your neighbor's dog one day.

All you need is to pay 10% tithing for a temple recommend. Anything else - fast offerings, missionary fund, etc. are voluntary.

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