Do U Date?


What age were you when u started dating  

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  1. 1. What age were you when u started dating

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A quote from my father, right after a boy called me for the first time:

"When you're 15 you can't date a 18 year old! When you're 18 you can't date a 21 year old! Maybe just MAYBE when you're 30 you can date a 33 year old!!!"

I waited until I was out of the house to date. Really though, I wished it wasn't so awkward to date when I was still in the house. I could have used a few more social skills:P

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

I never dated or been in a relationship before in my life (I'm 18 by the way) because of the unsaid but known convention in my household (the no dating "policy" until your out of high school). I could have dated behind my parents back but I didn't, probably I didn't want to loose their trust and I understood where they were coming at.

Now I'm 18 so I can date now but I'm gonna hold that off, I'm more interested in making friends, volunteering and just experiencing or seeing what the world has to offer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Dating is the best! On my first official group date, a girl asked me out. She was a friend of mine I had met at Education Week, AND she was from Utah (THE HOLY LAND! :D). I'm from Southern Oregon, where "friend dating" is less common, so I had such a good time! We played music at an old folks home, had a picnic, and then went bowling. It was such a good time!

That was awhile ago, and I have gone through all sorts of different situations, many of which I wish I had avoided. Word of advice when dating: think of it as being a survivor, trapping animals for survival. If you want to make the best catch, you don't make one trap. You make 15-20 of them! That's how dating should be. Young men, ASK LOTS OF DIFFERENT GIRLS ON DATES! Become friends with a ton of them. When you get home from your mission, one or two of them just might not be married yet. ;)

Remember, friendship is the foundation of romance. And keep away from creepy, clingy, manipulative women. And most important, live by the spirit, and date girls who genuinely do the same.

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