Scripture Help!


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I decided the beginning of this year I was going to read through the Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price by the end of the year and I am already way behind in my scripture reading; but I want quality from my reading more so than quantity i could easily just read and not grasp what it is I'm reading.

I seem to have gotten stuck. I flew through Genesis and the last part of Exodus, but everything has slowed down a bunch once I hit Leviticus. It is just so many here is how to do these sacrifices and dont do these things and it is just so coomplex as to how precise everything is supposed to be done. And to top it off alot of these Mosaic laws don't pertain to now.

I find myself trying to read it and usually end up just staring at words on a page, its like trying to study for a science class (or something else dry). What can help me pick up my pace in reading? What can we learn from these early scriptures? How do all these talks of animal sacrifice and sickness and everything tie in to our teachings today? Is it supposed to be so over my head?


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First off, congrats on your goal to read all the standard works this year. I think that is absolutely amazing and you should be commended for your effort! This will be a very spiritual year for you!

I think it is an absolute wonderful book that teaches a deeper meaning about Christ and the atonement. It is very hard to see by just reading the text itself. I would recommend reading it with a good commentary, or just follow along with the Old Testament Institute manual. You can read them here:

Old Testament Student Manual Genesis - 2 Samuel : 14 - Leviticus 1 - 10 - A Law of Performances and Ordinances, Part 1: Sacrifices and Offerings

Old Testament Student Manual Genesis - 2 Samuel : 15 - Leviticus 11 - 18 - A Law of Performances and Ordinances, Part 2: The Clean and the Unclean

Old Testament Student Manual Genesis - 2 Samuel : D - Enrichment Section - Feasts and Festivals

Old Testament Student Manual Genesis - 2 Samuel : 16 - Leviticus 19 - 27 - A Law of Performances and Ordinances, Part 3: Laws of Mercy and Righteousness

You can use all the Institute commentaries for free here:

Institutes of Religion:

They really do help in understanding the scriptures and are a great starting commentary.

Good luck, and keep us updated!

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I decided the beginning of this year I was going to read through the Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price by the end of the year and I am already way behind in my scripture reading; but I want quality from my reading more so than quantity i could easily just read and not grasp what it is I'm reading.

I seem to have gotten stuck. I flew through Genesis and the last part of Exodus, but everything has slowed down a bunch once I hit Leviticus. It is just so many here is how to do these sacrifices and dont do these things and it is just so coomplex as to how precise everything is supposed to be done. And to top it off alot of these Mosaic laws don't pertain to now.

I find myself trying to read it and usually end up just staring at words on a page, its like trying to study for a science class (or something else dry). What can help me pick up my pace in reading? What can we learn from these early scriptures? How do all these talks of animal sacrifice and sickness and everything tie in to our teachings today? Is it supposed to be so over my head?


I would suggest that you start your scripture reading and study with the Book of Mormon, then read the New Testament, then the Doctrine and Covenants, then the Pearl of Great Price and then end with the Old Testament. For study guides I would suggest the official institute study guides provided for study by the church.

Rather than have a goal of finishing within a certain period of time - I would suggest that you devote so many hours per week to this specific study and have other “reading” time for more casual scripture reading. I took 20 years to do what I thought was a careful study of all the scriptures. My personal notes from this study has proven to be most useful.

The Traveler

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