Getting Into The Mindset


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Yesterday, I found out I could start my mission papers in 2 days. I'm absolutely thrilled to hear this after having struggled with many chastity problems (Pornography, sex).

I've talked to my bishop about them and have cleared them up. I've been clean for 3 months, and will be ordained to the office of an Elder on Sunday. I had had problems when I was 18, and it was furthermore delayed to be ordained. I'm now 19, and I've been striving to push good things into my day and be more positive, yet, I still look back on my past and feel discouraged.

Is there anything I can do more than doing what I'm already doing?

I pray morning/evening, also reading the scriptures daily, and am about to start reviewing the discussions for my mission. I also attend church every sunday, and have a calling.

Thanks for your help.

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Well, you're probably always going to have these memories. The thing is to not try to forget them but accept they happened but you are over it.

have you read "Jesus the CHrist"? IN my area it's something of a thing to read that prior to a mission.

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Its not the habit anymore thats really hurting me at this point. Its remembering that I had it.

I'm saying is there something I can do to keep my head in the right direction? Something that I can do to better myself for a mission?

I did terrible things when I first left home in the fall 1997 until I got pregnant (out of wedlock) in 1999. The worst of these things was the sex outside of marriage. I still have times I feel so terrible that I cry and gnash my teeth even though I have gone through the repentance process. The key is learning to forgive yourself. I know how hard that is - I still struggle with forgiving myself at times. All I can suggest is what I am currently doing - when praying, ask Heavenly Father to help you learn to forgive yourself.

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I've been striving to push good things into my day and be more positive, yet, I still look back on my past and feel discouraged.

Is there anything I can do more than doing what I'm already doing?

I pray morning/evening, also reading the scriptures daily, and am about to start reviewing the discussions for my mission. I also attend church every sunday, and have a calling.

The cool thing about the Atonement is that it doesn't matter where you've been or what you've done, you can start completely fresh with the process of repentance. Christ is all about invitation, a beckoning to come forward, to let go of all that is past and focus completely on what lies ahead. For instance:

2 Nephi 26:24-28

24He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.

25Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy milk and honey, without money and without price.

26Behold, hath he commanded any that they should depart out of the synagogues, or out of the houses of worship? Behold, I say unto you, Nay.

27Hath he commanded any that they should not partake of his salvation? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but he hath given it free for all men; and he hath commanded his people that they should persuade all men to repentance.

28Behold, hath the Lord commanded any that they should not partake of his goodness? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but all men are privileged the one like unto the other, and none are forbidden.

So, perhaps the only think I can think of as advice is to completely let go of everything you have done in the past. Don't even think of it anymore. When you fill your life with good things, don't do it because you think you have to "make up" for the stuff you've done in the past. That stuff is done. God doesn't even remember it anymore. Just be completely focused on what lies ahead and don't worry about anything else. That, I think, is the best preparation for a mission.

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Its not the habit anymore thats really hurting me at this point. Its remembering that I had it.

I'm saying is there something I can do to keep my head in the right direction? Something that I can do to better myself for a mission?

Yep. You can build your testimony of how the Atonement has worked in your own life.

When you remember those things that you did, and you remember who you were, then you compare what has helped change you. That is the Atonement and Love of Christ.

This will help you on your mission. What? Yep. It'll help you.

When you bear testimony, you can keep the thought of who you were in mind, and who you are becoming. Never mention past sins on your mission... but you can develop and bear your testimony.

Your memory of what you've done will never leave you. But it's what you've done to reconcile yourself back to the path that the Savior has laid out for you.

Jesus the Christ is an excellent book. But for you, I'd be reading Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson. Here's a speech he gave that closely reflects the message he shares in his book:

Believing Christ: A Practical Approach to the Atonement - Stephen E. Robinson

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What can you do...some suggestions:

1) Continue to read and pray

2) Learn to love people the way Christ does. This starts by serving them. Start with your family. Go out of your way to help your mother and/or other members in your family. Then seek to help your neighbors. A mission is in large part all about serving others.

3) Keep a journal about how excited you are and your spiritual experiences. A mission is a very stressful time with highs and lows so if you have something to lean on in the hard times to remind you why you are serving helps keep you grounded.

4) Prepare yourself emotionally. When you learn to love others you can learn to love yourself which means to forgive yourself. On your mission you will see the miracle of forgiveness and change in those you teach. You would hope that they will press forward in the gospel and not dwell on their past and become a force for good. Do the same for yourself. People are proud of you. When we dwell on the past we tend to not live in the present. It is okay to let the past remind you when needed to stay on the right path and to use wisdom in present day issues but remember it is what you are doing today that is most important.

5) Prepare yourself emotionally and mentally. Learn not to be offended easily. Learn to deal with rejection. Learn to communicate (take a class on communication). Find strategies to deal with discouragement effectively. Learn patience. All these things will help you with a mission. Most often times, companions are the most difficult part of a mission. Some will be lazy. Some will be negative. Some will be disobedient. Some will try you in every capacity. Learning to prepare yourself emotionally will help.

6) Start studying the "Preach My Gospel" study guide for missionaries.

7) Go on splits with the missionaries.

Just to let you know...a mission is an awesome experience. It is also one of the most difficult experiences you will experience (for most missionaries) but it is an awesome preparation for life. If you start to think on your mission that this is not what you thought it would be (normal feelings)...stick it will find that it will be what it needs to be in the end. Just remember that when you lose yourself in the service of God then is when you find yourself.

Good on you. I am excited for you. Above all else...stay positive. And....Satan would that he would have you so any area of weakness or temptation you may have he will try to find. Be on guard. Put on the armor of righteousness, be humble enough to seek and listen to the counsel of others. Rely on the Lord. Have fun while doing it. Laugh often.

Okay. Is that enough?! LOL! :)

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