Mosiah 13:15


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Mosiah 13:15Â*

15 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Quote for Discussion

Gordon B. Hinckley

“Let me tell you of an experience I had when I was a little boy . . . I came home from school one day, threw my books on the table, and took the name of the Lord in vain . . . My mother heard me. She was shocked. She took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom. She . . . then proceeded to wash my mouth out with that terrible soap. She . . . said, ‘Don’t let me ever hear such words from your lips again.’ I hope I have never used the Lord’s name in vain since that time. When President Spencer W. Kimball underwent surgery years ago, he was wheeled from the operating room to the intensive care room. The attendant who pushed the gurney which carried him stumbled and let out an oath using the name of the Lord. President Kimball, who was barely conscious, said weakly, ‘Please! Please! That is my Lord whose name you revile.’ There was a deathly silence; then the young man whispered with a subdued voice, ‘I am sorry’ (See Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball p. 198).

Gordon B. Hinckley (Ensign, May 1996, p.94)

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This is my biggest struggle. I grew-up Catholic, the daughter of a randy foul mouthed sailor and was in the Army myself. That having been said, I likely do not have to say that, I've heard it all a million times or two. I try so hard not to use bad language but, it just slips out and the harder I try not to use it, the more I notice myself slipping up. I gave up alcohol, coffee, tabacco and tea with no small amount of effort but, changing the way I talk is tougher than I thought it would be. I didn't consider my use of language to be a big problem until, I joined the church. As for the Lords name in vain. I really didn't think the, "g.d.'s" I dropped from time to time fit the bill. I never gave much thought to what taking the Lord's name in vain really meant. The day after I was baptized I was so overwhealmed. I realized I only had to change one thing in my life... That one thing was EVERYTHING!!! Maybe I'm just not stout hearted enough to be a Mormon. I sure feel like a bigger failure as a member of this church. Everyone is so kind and loving and supportive. I seem to have so far to go to catch up with others in the ward. Catholics are not, "suppose" to use bad language but, it's not as much of an issue. Gosh, I even overhead the priests using some colorful language for time to time, when I was a girl. I must admit, I've gotten a little better over the past two months. I'm not the quite the mouthy little drill sergeant I was...

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Absolutely. Please do. You are welcome to post any quote from here on facebook or anywhere else you would like. Always great to post really good quotes.

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