If I had questions about the temple, after going through it.

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Mind you this is asked by one who has not received the endowment. But if I had questions about the doctrine and understanding of specifics of the ordinances, I know I typically wouldn't talk about it outside the temple, but what about IN the temple. Is there anyone I can talk to in there, or by the time I go through it will I understand it all enough to not have questions.

Example, I have questions about things to do with the new name mentioned in revelation, and I wonder if there is anyone I can talk to about it, or do I need to simply wait until I go through the ordinance and worry about it then. And I am not asking anyone to answer anything, I am just talking out loud :)

Thanks for the input!

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I look at the temple liturgy as a puzzle: we get the pieces, and it's up to us to put them together in the way that is most meaningful to us yet still in harmony with the core doctrines of the Church. This is going to sound very smug and condescending, but . . . it really doesn't touch you in the same way if someone spoon-feeds it to you.

That said: if something is really bothering you, you can always ask to talk to a member of the temple presidency. Or, after a sealing session, you can take the sealer aside for a moment and ask him a question or two.

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You can always talk to someone IN the temple about the temple ordinances. Temple president, matron, ordinance workers... all are there to help.

BTW, one of the presidents of the church once said "I'm just now beginning to understand the temple." I don't remember who said that... but to "understand it all" will take a lifetime of attendance. Which is kinda the point, right?

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Many things can be talked of outside the temple, as they are found in the scriptures. Those reserved for the temple can (to a point) be talked about quietly with friends you trust in the temple, particularly in the celestial room. Even there, there are things that are reserved for discussion only at the temple veil, etc.

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