My son is getting baptized...

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and yes, we have been investigating for 2 1/2 years. :D

However, he has made up his mind and I think it's wonderful! I'm very happy for him.

I've seen baptisms in the church but concidentally they have all been girls. What does my son need to wear? He is almost 13 and extremely tall and thin so clothing will take me longer than average to find. I assume he needs "whites"? Any suggestions for locating odd sized whites? (Like 28x36).

Any other suggestions for us?

I've been baptised Baptist but not LDS so I am familiar with the process but there are always little things that you need to know, specifc to each church.

Thanks so much.

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Usually white pants, shirt & socks. I live in a major LDS community, so over the years people have donated clothes, and your son would be able to go to the stake center (the only building in our stake with a baptismal font) and choose something that fits.

Otherwise, I guess you'll have to go shopping. Men's clothing stores usually have white pants, in my experience.

He'll need a dry set of sunday clothes and underwear, socks, towel etc. for after his baptism, so he can change.



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First, congrats! I'm so excited for your family (yes, I realize just your son is being baptized, but your whole family will receive blessings as a result).

Second, ask the missionaries. Most wards (even those outside of Utah) have baptismal clothes for all ages and sizes. The missionaries will be able to get in touch with other wards to see if they have some appropriate. If I remember correctly, you live East of the Mississippi (and even the Ohio), but your ward or a ward in your stake should have baptismal clothes he could wear.

Perhaps you are thinking you want to buy him his baptismal clothes as a keepsake. Then, it's white pants and shirt. Most of the white clothing I've seen for baptism come in the form of a white jumper (zips up the front). Just remember whatever you get needs to be lined! Otherwise, your son will be displaying himself to all who attend the baptism.

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I thought he wore white clothes UNDER the robe. That is how some of the Baptists usually do it. I've seen the people in white robes but I don't know what was under them. I think I saw an adult last year and I don't remember what he wore.

Oh, OK, I'll check into this and check with the missionaries.

So he wears a robe with modest clothing under it? So I need modest clothing for under the robe. That's not hard, we have that. :D I can do a white shirt and white tie for pictures and no one will see his pants, saving me some money and stress.

Because he is such a tall, thin guy, he is sensitive about things not fitting properly. He is tricky to buy for because he is 6 feet but really thin. Things are either too short or too loose. I hear the word "clothing" and I'm in a panic knowing this can turn into a major project that is going to take time. :o I was worried if I have to order pants from Utah or something, i really need to get moving on this!

I want to take nice pictures of him (I love pictures!). I want him to have a special day. We don't have any family to come or have a little party, so I want the other things to be special...

I'm in the NY/NJ region in an active ward. (Ok, well active for this part of the country) :D

Any other suggestions to make the day special? Tradtions or LDS traditions that I might not know?

Edited by Lilac
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We don't wear robes for baptism.

He will come to the baptism wearing regular church clothes. Then, he will change into his baptism clothes. His baptism clothes will consist solely of underwear (be sure to bring an extra pair to wear after the baptism), white pants and white shirt. If the church has something for him to wear, it will likely be a white jumper that is lined. Otherwise, whatever pants you get, be sure to either have them lined with white material or do them yourself. He can wear a white Tshirt under the white shirt (usually a normal white church shirt--button down). After the baptism, he will have time to get re-dressed in his church clothes.

If you want to take pictures of him in his white clothing, get to the church early and have him put them on then for pics. Otherwise, they will be wet (icky!) for pictures.

I think one of the things that will be special for him is to have a journal for him to records his thoughts and feelings of the day. I mean that seriously. He will have days in the future that will be difficult and he may question his faith, decision, etc. It is very wonderful to have a record of how you felt and thought on that day to strengthen you through the tough times that will come.

Usually, there is a gathering afterwards for light refreshments (milk and cookies) to congratulate him and fellowship him.

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I want to take nice pictures of him (I love pictures!). I want him to have a special day. We don't have any family to come or have a little party, so I want the other things to be special...

I'm in the NY/NJ region in an active ward. (Ok, well active for this part of the country) :D

Any other suggestions to make the day special? Tradtions or LDS traditions that I might not know?

I agree with what others have said. I attend a ward in NYC, and we have baptismal clothes (i.e. the white jumper) in various sizes (this is the same jumper that we wear in the temple to do baptisms for the dead). If you ask the missionaries, they should be able to arrange that for you (in my case, I didn't even have to ask the missionaries. They just had me try on two sizes while they showed me the baptismal font).

Also, you can always ask people from the ward to come too if you'd like. I had the missionaries send out an email to my ward, and a lot of people showed up (everyone loves to see baptisms). We also had a little reception after.

And yes, definitely bring a towel. I didn't, so when I put my clothes back on, they definitely had wet spots all over :lol:.

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I second Jason_J's suggestion about trying on jumpers. I forgot about that. I forget if my missionaries brought over several sizes or if I went to church and selected several, and them took them home to try on. If there is any fear of something not fitting, please try on beforehand and not wait until the day of baptism! I knew my jumper would fit size-wise, but be too long, so I brought some safety pins to pin up the legs. I gather your son won't need to do this. : )

Also, and again, maybe not so important for a guy, remember that people will be waiting for you to change. Don't bring clothes, have hair dos, etc. that you can't get into or fix fairly quickly and while you are still a bit wet.

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