August 7, 2011 - Standing as a Witness


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“I may not be able to eliminate pornographic trash, but my family and I need not buy or view it.

“I may not be able to close disreputable businesses, but I can stay away from areas of questioned honor and ill repute.

“I may not be able to greatly reduce the divorces of the land or save all broken homes and frustrated children, but I can keep my own home a congenial one, my marriage happy, my home a heaven, and my children well adjusted.

“I may not be able to stop the growing claims to freedom from laws based on morals, or change all opinions regarding looseness in sex and growing perversions, but I can guarantee devotion to all high ideals and standards in my own home, and I can work toward giving my own family a happy, interdependent spiritual life.

“I may not be able to stop all graft and dishonesty in high places, but I myself can be honest and upright, full of integrity and true honor.”

(Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1972, p. 247.)

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