15 Tips for Avoiding Hotel Bedbugs

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From someone in the hotel industry, these are all great tips.

No hotel wants bedbugs. If you do find bedbugs, we deeply appreciate you telling us so we can stop the problem before it spreads to other rooms.

just last summer we had one room with bedbugs. We removed the bed from the room, stripped the room down to the bare walls and even removed the carpet and padding. Then we had an exterminator spray down the entire room. Then we let it sit for two days. we tossed the mattress set away, along with all other fabrics in the room, (bedding, towels, curtains) wrapped in plastic.

The exterminator came back, sprayed again, and said in 24 hours it would be good to go. All the furniture in the room was examined and sprayed, then wiped clean of the bug spray with bleach water.

New carpet and padding was put in the room, the room was re-furnished with different furniture than before, and a new mattress and box spring finished it off. Fresh bedding and towels and the room was rented again.

Two days later the same room was said to have bedbugs. We did it all over again. We haven't had a problem with them since, in that room or any others.

Thanks to the first guest to notice them speaking up and saying something, we kept the bugs from spreading to other rooms in the hotel.

It is a serious problem, even though the very word bedbug is an all but shunned term. The better hotels welcome any comment regarding concerns any guest may have about their room.

Edited by RipplecutBuddha
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