I prayed and now it's true


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I prayed and fasted; I now know the church is true. Today I had a stronger manefestation then I have ever in the past. Divine tentacles were pulling me back to the church. I know that God lives and loves me because he hasn't given up on me. I am tears right now because I know how blessed I am that he pulled me back into the fold. I really had no reason for him to save me abd mouthing the church and all. Maybe I should get ex communicated to pay for my sins. I deserve it.... I just wish my wife would realize that I have a testimony and forgive me for anything I did wrong. I am in repentance right now, so very sad thinking what I have done. However, am very happy that God pulled me back. What a blessing I am astonished how true it is. I hope God can forgive me and everyone else can forgive me.

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I prayed and fasted; I now know the church is true. Today I had a stronger manefestation then I have ever in the past. Divine tentacles were pulling me back to the church. I know that God lives and loves me because he hasn't given up on me. I am tears right now because I know how blessed I am that he pulled me back into the fold. I really had no reason for him to save me abd mouthing the church and all. Maybe I should get ex communicated to pay for my sins. I deserve it.... I just wish my wife would realize that I have a testimony and forgive me for anything I did wrong. I am in repentance right now, so very sad thinking what I have done. However, am very happy that God pulled me back. What a blessing I am astonished how true it is. I hope God can forgive me and everyone else can forgive me.

Heya Tyler90AZ,

Really happy to hear this from you.

Write your feelings down for your wife if you are true about that you feel and say.

Making a letter will make you feel better and will be a good way to share your feelings and findings with those you lost.

It makes everyone happy to see you happy, just give things time to heal and you will be stronger than ever when your relations are restored.

Much love I wish upon you comming time!

With kind regards,


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Hello, Tyler90AZ,

So glad to hear that your testimony has been restored. What a beautiful thing!

This is meant as just a suggestion; but, I am thinking of the 12 step program as I read your posts concerning your wife. I think of the serenity prayer; "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Now is the time to focus on yourself and the repentance you need to do in order to become at peace with your Creator. I don't know your wife, or much about you. I love what the LDS 12 step workbook says; "In taking step 9, you must avoid becoming discouraged if others do not receive your apologies well or if they do not believe you have really changed. Making amends may take time and patience. Give others time to realize that this time is different. This time you are not making empty promises, you are living to receive a complete remission of your addiction and character weaknesses. Eventually, abstinence and changed behavior will speak for themselves."

I'm excited to know that you have a testimony of the gospel. My experience of the Father is how loving and kind, patient and forgiving He is. How willing He is to help me through the repentance process if I seek Him diligently. All this is made possible because of the atonement. Heavenly Father is the most forgiving being I have ever known.

Don't worry about what others think right now, i.e. the "arm of flesh." Just worry about where you stand with Heavenly Father. He stands with arms wide open ready to receive you through the atonement of His Son. He will help you through this process.

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