**service project suggestions....please!!!*


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My Bishop has recently put me on a committee to do our annual aera day of service. We live in rural GA where alot of people has negative attitudes against the LDS. So the Bishopric has suggested getting out in the community to be seen doing good things for it. In other words not hiding our lighted candle or what ever that parable is...lol

Last year we got with the city in which we live and painted 150 fire hydrants......the year before we cleaned up several parks. The year before that we volunteered at a local farm and patched fences, painted barns, and cleaned it up in general.

This year I don't know what to do.....I hate to do the same things over and over. I want to have a good turn out with the memebers.

Keep in mind we would like to be visible in our service to the community.....but nothing dangerous because of kids that are involved....so adopting a hwy is out of the question. I don't want any kids getting ran over.

Please pass along any ideas!!


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* soup kit_hen

*food dri_e (sorry my daughter spilt jui_e on my keyboard and I ha_e 2 keys that dont work, guess whi_h...)

* knitting hats or blankets for a ni_u unit or kids ward at a hospital

* reading stories to kids in the hospital

* an adopt a grandparent program at an old folks home (the yw might do mani pedis on the women there)

* knitting or making hats or mittens for the homeless.

*helping elderly with shopping, errands or yard work.

* baking bread, rolls, or treats & donating to an old folks home or food bank.

* Gathering homegrown food (trying to not use those 2 letters here) for a food bank.

*Make bird feeders for your towns parks

* Gather old magaines and books for an old folks home or hospital for the patients use


Edited by IamMe
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Check with some of the other churches in the area to see if they have any projects needing to be done. Or see if they have any planned projects coming up that they could use some help with.

This is a very good way to actually make a good impression on the area, if you are working as Christians with other Christians (or people of faith) to help them.

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Check with some of the other churches in the area to see if they have any projects needing to be done. Or see if they have any planned projects coming up that they could use some help with.

This is a very good way to actually make a good impression on the area, if you are working as Christians with other Christians (or people of faith) to help them.

This was mentioned too......Good idea!


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