The good old days of church criticism


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I have a friend who when I told her I was Mormon she said, "oh, we learned all about your church in Sunday school". I asked her what she learned and one of the things I remember was the wives couldn't get into heaven with out their husbands. We are still friends and she still thinks I'm a member of a cult. There's a really large church in Memphis that we were told if we ever attended an activity there to not let them know we were LDS. They apparently have a very large library that includes a lot of anti literature.

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It's kind've a fun thing, to be in the 'rebel cult'. Anyways...

You should have seen the Magic Valley area when the Twin Falls temple was being built. One church in particular seemed to think that if we had a temple, in a place where the majority of people were members of the LDS church, it would surely usher in Armageddon and all sorts of calamities would befall our fair Idaho, and indeed this very nation. It was pretty hateful and suprisingly well- organized.

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