Does this only happen in the South?


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This struck me. Would someone please clarify the text in red?

Is feeling insecure, dishonoured or "ashamed" a sin? Why would the Lord shun a lost sheep? If someone is carrying a burden of shame, it seems that this is the very kind of person that the Lord would reach out to and be compassionate towards. I didn't grasp the point, PC made, so that's why I'm asking for someone to enlighten me :)

He means those who are ashamed of Christ and, as a result, spurn him. Measure for measure. In LDS scripture you have those who partook of the fruit, looked at the great and spacious building, and became ashamed. Both are talking of a continual state, luckily for us all, repentance wipes that slate clean.

Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

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To add to volgadon's excellent explanation, we question those who say Jesus is in their heart, but when given an opportunity to publically profess their faith, they decline.

Example 1: "Why did you do that good deed, or help that person, etc." "Oh well, it's just the way I was raised."

Example 2: "I saw you go to into a church the other day." "Oh (blush!)...Yeah, but I don't take it too seriously...I'm not a fanatic or anything."

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Living in the heart of the bible belt (South) I get strangers coming up to me in restaurants to give me pamphlets and offer prayers and such. The protestants call it "witnessing." They mean well and most are being sincere, but it can be uncomfortable. Usually telling them that I'm a Mormon does the trick. They tend to look at you like you have the plague and dismiss themselves. I've had a lady tell me her preacher was an Apostle, who could heal me. There was one guy who cracked me up; He ask what church do I go to? and I told him I was LDS. He looked at me surprised, and said: Oh! We love the Jews! LOL! We also get a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses coming to the door to sell magazines and such. It isn't so bad really, because I would much rather be in the section of the country where religion is still an important part of life, than elsewhere, where it is largely ignored or frowned upon.

Edited by ldrkholt
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Last night I went to a County Fair. As I was waiting for some friends to get off the Ferris wheel a lady comes up to me and starts telling me how Jesus has died for my sins and that Satan was ruler of the earth. She goes on with her message, all the while I'm nodding my head in agreement, because most of what she was saying I agreed with. Then she says if you recite this prayer with me you will have a spot in heaven and you will be saved. I tell her that I'm waiting on someone, so I was kind of in a hurry, she said it would only take a minute. I could tell she was not going to take "no" for an answer so I play along and recite the prayer between my sips of tropical fruit blast from Baskin Robins. The prayer lasts longer than I want and I still don't see any of my friends. Finally the prayer ends and she says "ok, now how are you going to get to Heaven"? I quickly tell her what a lot of Christians around here say, "If I have Jesus in my heart, I will get to heaven". She was satisfied and finally left.

I've been "saved" three times now in my adult life. If this whole Mormon thing doesn't work out I guess I'm covered.

Does this happen anywhere else, where a complete stranger comes up to you in public and thinks you should be "saved"?

How about all over the world every day. LDS Missionaries approach strangers and talk of christ and invite them to hear a message. Now you know how it can feel to be on the other side of it. :) Although some missionaries are this pushy, most are not. I find that being honest and letting someone know your of the LDS faith and that what they are asking of you doesnt coincide with what you beleive in is usually sufficient. Playing along doesnt quite reflect that.

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It isn't just the south. I've been approached in several states (and a couple of countries) by well-meaning people who want to share their faith. I always try to be polite, and it has led to some interesting conversations. Learned a LOT about Islam from a man in Iraq who was eager for me to understand what they believe.

Wal Mart has been a hotspot for those types of encounters, as well as home improvement stores. I agree that it's best to just state your beliefs and be friendly.

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