Depression and the Atonement


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Depression is only possible where there is a desire. It makes the unconscious mind go into a turmoil to attract the thing desired to oneself. It is never getting a thing that creates happiness but the cessation of desiring that occurs when the desire is fulfilled. But desires once fulfilled just lead to new ones. That is how satan works. First companionship, then money, then health or peace of mind and so on, endlessly. The soul is made out of happiness itself, but it is like a civet cat, unable to know itself as producing the smell that makes it happy, and thinking it comes from others and whatever it has happened to rub itself on. Until it stands still... freedom from all wants is the highest bliss. Finding God directly, rejecting all lesser joys - and how few have even tried, (much less succeeded!) ends all desires and needs, causing freedom, forever...

I like Loudmouth's post. But I wanted to comment on this also.

I have loved ones whom suffer from depression. I can honestly say that their depression is NOT a result of desires not received or a link to Satans influence. I think your statement can be true, but is not a statement that covers the entire subject. There are many many MANY reasons depression comes about. Your example could be one of them, but is not all.

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Depression is only possible where there is a desire. It makes the unconscious mind go into a turmoil to attract the thing desired to oneself. It is never getting a thing that creates happiness but the cessation of desiring that occurs when the desire is fulfilled. But desires once fulfilled just lead to new ones. That is how satan works. First companionship, then money, then health or peace of mind and so on, endlessly. The soul is made out of happiness itself, but it is like a civet cat, unable to know itself as producing the smell that makes it happy, and thinking it comes from others and whatever it has happened to rub itself on. Until it stands still... freedom from all wants is the highest bliss. Finding God directly, rejecting all lesser joys - and how few have even tried, (much less succeeded!) ends all desires and needs, causing freedom, forever...

Glad you got a good bead on the problem there. I know two manic;/depressives in my ward. I wonder what they think about the causation of depression?

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I feel violated by my own government. The times after 9/11, I felt more menace from our own government than from the Terrorists. They took our freedom, violated sacred aspects of our constitution, and the American people bought it, yes they bought it. To Americans, watching another episode of Family Guy, and polishing that new car is more important than unlawful confinement. It will be happening to us one day, and who will we blame but ourselves.

I think that one of the main reasons for depression is that people feel so uncertain about what once seemed to be a rosy future. We've sat back, fat, dumb and happy and allowed the very rich to run our lives.

Come on Mormons, it is time to step up to the plate.

Edited by Sunnysprite
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I'm a little afraid that my previous remarks might be seen as a blanket statement about depression in the church.

I wanted to share the study for a couple of reasons. Partly because it showed that both men and women struggle and also the stuff about perfectionism. I also think that people are dealing with a variety of mood issues including forms of anxiety too. And I do think perfectionism can play a role there too and that its something to consider.

But more than that, I REALLY agree that each case is uniquely different and that the constellation of contributing factors is often complicated. And in my previous remarks, I was talking about garden variety depression, not more serious conditions such as depressive disorders or bipolar. So I hope you see the context in which I add my comments. I don't want to be accused of using too much peanut butter.

Edited by Misshalfway
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Right after 9/11 is when most of the increase in the use of Psych Drugs occurred. Generations were brought up feeling secure that we could not be attacked on our own soil, and suddenly it happened. I think that 2/3 of the use of those drugs is a simple adjustment disorder.

I was one of those who began to take copious amounts of prescription medications. One day I realized that I just needed to act like an adult, so I stopped using them. It took almost a year to get off the drugs.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but Americans have some serious business coming up and we need our wits about us. From personal observation, you do not make good decisions when you are over medicated.

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I attended a program for working professionals and the key speaker of the day was was to discuss the topic "how to keep the attention of your audience". What he was saying seems true in some aspects of what you may be talking about. I cannot speak on each and every individual IF they are experiancing depression, but some one who "Lights up" the audience.

Do you think its the people who are depressed, or the subject that is depressing? I have noticed over the years, the talks can be a bit on the borring side. When a speaker goes up to the pulpit, and puts some fire or humor into there talk and makes his speach more engaging with the audience then the members are more likely to show more interest.

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Right after 9/11 is when most of the increase in the use of Psych Drugs occurred. Generations were brought up feeling secure that we could not be attacked on our own soil, and suddenly it happened. I think that 2/3 of the use of those drugs is a simple adjustment disorder.

Do you have an authoritative source for that assertion? I've never heard that before.

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