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Life at this point is confusing and I am vulnerable ... This has been a year of crisis & trauma in my life. I lost my father, my 16 year marriage has ended, and I seem to have lost a big part of my faith. I am a lifer in the church, and since all this stuff going on, I see and know that I am making decisions that are not the best for me, but, I also cannot figure how not too... It is like I can see where I need to go, but cannot figure how to get there. It is difficult to explain, and it is not a easy as choose the right. To further complicate matters, my 20 yr. old nephew (technically husband's) was released to my custody - my Mother said he "sounds dark" and it is not a good uplifting feeling... I have started nightly scripture study with him and his girlfriend (she is here every night) family prayer too. He cannot by law go into the neighborhood where his parents live, his grandmother (my mother in law) does not want anything to do with him, nor are his parents assisting. I am disabled, my husband just left, and we are told to take care of our families... Confused about lots... How can I get back spiritually, when I feel alone? Hurt? Mistrusted? and are made to feel like helping my family is not my responsibility when the church stresses family first? sorry... not sure if you can even make sense of this message... lol, I don't seem to be able to.

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Yes, the Church wants us to care for our family. But I don't think you are doing the right thing by taking on your husband's nephew. You are not in a good position to give him the discipline and other things he needs.

You should turn him over to whomever else is available for him - even the State. You are only hurting yourself.

Of course, I don't know the picture very well, but from what you're saying -


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Welcome. Confused about?


Yes, the Church wants us to care for our family. But I don't think you are doing the right thing by taking on your husband's nephew. You are not in a good position to give him the discipline and other things he needs.

You should turn him over to whomever else is available for him - even the State. You are only hurting yourself.

Of course, I don't know the picture very well, but from what you're saying -


Thank you, I agree in some aspects, but he will always be my family, he has been since he was 2 years old. it is a sad situation, but even my mother said my nephew has thrived with me. His parents don't care about him, neither does his grandparents... someone has to show he is worth something. It is stressful, and my decisions have not always been best, and sometimes I don't feel the spirit, but I feel like he needs to be out of jail pending his trial (even though he has done some of the things he is accused of). I have now been able to start a family scripture study and family prayer with him and his girlfriend, faithfully every night, at the same time each night, we have started this (they are not LDS), and I am hoping that this will help. We are reading the Book of Mormon together. Any other advice is welcomed. Thank you -- veryConfused

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Thank you, I agree in some aspects, but he will always be my family, he has been since he was 2 years old. it is a sad situation, but even my mother said my nephew has thrived with me. His parents don't care about him, neither does his grandparents... someone has to show he is worth something. It is stressful, and my decisions have not always been best, and sometimes I don't feel the spirit, but I feel like he needs to be out of jail pending his trial (even though he has done some of the things he is accused of). I have now been able to start a family scripture study and family prayer with him and his girlfriend, faithfully every night, at the same time each night, we have started this (they are not LDS), and I am hoping that this will help. We are reading the Book of Mormon together. Any other advice is welcomed. Thank you -- veryConfused

Well then - may God bless you and protect you.


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