Faith and music


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I know that the church would encourage artists to spread word of the gospel and positive messages in music, but if an artist used music as a therapy to get un-pure thoughts out and used it as a kind of a buffer, what would the general stance on that? Would Heavenly Father and Jesus extend the view that artists do not depict themselves in such songs and that that kind of self expression is acceptable, or would this simply not be the case?

I've wondered about this as many artists rely on pain when writing music - especially in the genre i grew up listening to, and so i wondered if that would upset their standing with Heavenly Father.

Weird question i know :D

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What kind of thoughts are you talking about? I think using any artistic medium to get out anger or frustration or hurt is very useful. If you're talking about writing and performing a song about a girl you lust after, though, I'd say that's not only inappropriate, but counterproductive.

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Well since every song has a different message, it's impossible to say. I guess you can ask yourself if it compels you to do good and persuades you to be closer to Christ, or does it just drive the Spirit away and feed your negative feelings?

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It's not songs im personally writing, the songs i do write and purely me stating what's happened in my life and what not. The ones im questioning are ones on the radio etc... I'm newly active and need my faith strengthening greatly, i have a great way to go until i feel the spirit like i once did, but i've got myself back on the path to Christ :)

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"Music can enrich your life. It can edify and inspire you and help you draw closer to Heavenly Father. Music has a profound effect on your mind, spirit, and behavior.

Choose carefully the music you listen to. Pay attention to how you feel when you are listening. Some music can carry evil and destructive messages. Do not listen to music that encourages immorality or glorifies violence through its lyrics, beat, or intensity. Do not listen to music that uses vulgar or offensive language or promotes evil practices. Such music can dull your spiritual sensitivity."

Here is the link:

I hope that helps.

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This reminds me of Creed. While there was lots of positive messages in their lyrics (and there was!), there was some curses in a few of their songs. I remember one song (the title escapes me) that had no less than 4 G.d.'s in it! Minor language like 'da**' and 'he**' doesn't bother me because I hear that almost everywhere I am, or on a lot of my favorite t.v. shows, but the major ones, especially used on a somewhat frequent basis, can detract from even a good and moral message.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think music can be very healing, but personal styles and standards vary so much. That why I'm excited when I find music that matches everything I'm looking for. I love alternative and indie rock (of course, only songs with appropriate lyrics and a generally uplifting feel). I'm pretty strict on appropriate lyrics. With that said, I have one band I can recommend without hesitation: Shrink the Giant. The lead singer is LDS and all of their lyrics are positive, uplifting, and motivational, without being in-your-face or sappy. This is uplifting alternative-indie-pop-punk-rock that the whole family can listen to with so much variety from song to song that you can't get bored. Check them out on i-tunes. They'll also send you an autographed CD if you message them on Facebook. And they have a Youtube channel. I love this band, see what you think. :D

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