Anonymous Blogging?


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I've started a blog about my experience in the church's 12-step program, but I'm not sure if I've done all I could to make it anonymous. I just want to make sure there's not some roundabout way someone could click on links and eventually get to my profile even though I've hidden it. I can't ask any of my friends in real life to help out because then it wouldn't be anonymous anymore. ;)

So if people who know what they're doing wouldn't mind clicking on the link and verifying that there isn't any personal information visible or accessible, I'd really appreciate it! I didn't want to create a whole new fake email address and profile, etc. so I just used my existing account, but chose to "hide" the new blog. If this isn't going to work for my purposes, though, I'd like to know sooner rather than later.

The blog address is: My LDS 12-Step Journey *And if you do come across my personal info somehow, could you let me know ASAP so I can figure out how to get it down?*

And, any tips you could give on anonymous blogging in general would be appreciated. Thanks!!

Edited by tumbledquartz
I changed the blog name and address.
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I use the Blogger platform for my personal/family blog, and I have my settings such that all comments go to my email inbox. If someone asks a question, I can just hit "reply" and email them back (assuming they have their email address associated with their profile). When they leave a comment, it doesn't show them any of my contact information. However, if you have your settings set to email you all new comments, you'll want to be careful not to reply to them by email. Alternatively, set up an address like [email protected] or something to that effect. That way it's still anonymous, and people can also email you privately/anonymously if they have questions.

As for the blog itself, I'd add a few things in the sidebar -- links to the Church's ARP site, etc. Also, since you are using the initials LDS it's important that you include a prominent disclaimer that your blog is not an official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and that it is in no way affiliated with it.

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