It struck me a bit odd.


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My Filipino brother goes on vacation with one nanny for each of his 3 kids. Yes, the nanny would put sunscreen on her "charge", help them get dressed, make sure they don't lose their socks... etc. etc. My sister-in-law - a special-needs pediatrician - manages the entire vacation and makes sure everybody - including the nannies - is comfortable and makes sure my brother don't lose his socks. The nannies have their own children left at home - and of course, they can't afford to take the kind of vacations my brother takes. The nannies are very, very happy that they get to take a vacation and take all these pictures to show their kids.

There is something you need to understand about the purpose of money. Spending your money to hire a nanny to put sunscreen on your children does not make you a bad person. There is nothing at all wrong with it. Money, when used properly, is merely an enabler. It enables you to magnify whatever it is you are doing. If you have the money for it, it is a good thing for you to hire a nanny to put sunscreen on your children so you can have extra time and energy to do more for your child - like enjoy more quality time with them. WHO puts the sunscreen on the child is irrelevant. WHO spent quality time with the child is what is relevant. Now, if the mother would have hired the Nanny to spend the quality time with the child while she's off somewhere else enjoying herself - that is not using her money to magnify her motherhood.

Now, about the nanny having children in China - you might think - poor nanny being away from her children! So, you propose nobody hire her so she can spend time with her children? And then what - starve? There is a reason she is a nanny away from her children. It's what she feels she had to do to feed her kids. Take that opportunity from her and she would be forced to do something more drastic... like give her children away to those who can afford to keep them, never seeing them again, never having a say on how they got raised.

I grew up with a nanny. She is considered a member of our family. My parents took care of her and her children especially when she got old and sick. My nanny did not diminish the love I felt from my mother. Not one single bit. And yes, the nanny put on my sunscreen.

It was just weird from what I'm used to. The mom has two kids, has never worked, and she was laying there doing nothing when her son asked her to put some sunblock on him. She rolled her eyes in disgust and then asked the nanny to do it. I had an odd conversation with the mom that showed she had no idea how most people live and I was shocked to learn that the nanny had a 2-year-old child she doesn't get to see. Just made me sad and wish things could be different for her.

I also know a lady who is quite rich and offered to buy her neighbor's truck just so she can get rid of it. She doesn't like seeing it every time she looks out the window. :lol: They declined her offer.

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This I find hard to believe.


It's possible. Posh already knows what she's getting - it was all over the news on what Becks bought her the minute his "assistant" carried the thing out of the store. So, it's not like it's going to be a surprise.


I used to love watching that show - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous.

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We were at a buffet last night and saw a family at a table being served by hired help. It struck me a bit odd, especially since we were at a BUFFET, where everyone gets up and grabs their own food. The family of four sat and ate, while a woman in uniform was up and down bringing them plates of various food.

In some cultures, this kind of thing is very acceptable and quite normal but I've never seen anything quite like it here in America. Sure, I know of family and friends that have hired help at their homes but they don't take their hired help to dinner with them. Anyway, the whole thing looked sorely out of place. Anyone else seen anything, unusual, as of late?

Maybe things weren't really as they looked

Option 1

The father worked at cyncorp, a cynthetic robot company that makes human life robots and was testing one out in a restaurant situation.

Option 2

You were secretly on undercover boss and the person serving them actually owns all the franchises across the US

Option 3

The family saved the person from a devastating house fire the night before and when asked how she could ever repay them. They replied how about serving us dinner tomorrow.

Option 4

The family belong to very important under cover crime cyndicate and all their food was actually being taste tested by the person to make sure no one had slipped in any poisons. Uncle joey's death at a restaurant 3 years ago had made them paranoid.

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Maybe they were playing Truth or Dare? "Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to serve all of us at Old Country Buffet."

I like that "truth or dare".

Sadly if the situation is as it seems. There missing out on the whole buffet experience.

I love walking around the buffet checking out all the foods. I'm going to have a little bit of this, a little bit of that. How much can I fit on my plate? Ohh I don't need to its all you can eat. I'll come back for that. The desert bar looks great. That looks so yummy. I had that last time. Whatever that is I have to try some.

These are the questions that flood the mine and excite the taste buds as you walk around the buffet making the most rewarding and complex decisions for the next 1hr or 2. Anyone who has missed out on this has missed the whole joy of buffet.

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