Temple Recommend/Worthiness Question


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I am a new convert and have a question about where to decide to attend Church and whether I can be considered temple worthy if I am homeless. I don't want to bother my bishop with my situation, and I have a car that actually allows me to live considerably well under the circumstances and just can't afford rent and continue going to school at the moment, so I'm going this route. I don't want any help from the Church or would ask my bishop this question, but instead I'm posting it here, thanks.


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I'm not sure why homelessness in and of itself would render you unworthy. Do you have a testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored Church, are you living the law of chastity and the word of wisdom, do you sustain the leaders of the church, do you live honestly, etc. . . nothing about your standard of living. :)

Though I do hope you'll be on your feet soon. Good luck.

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I'm not sure why homelessness in and of itself would render you unworthy. Do you have a testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored Church, are you living the law of chastity and the word of wisdom, do you sustain the leaders of the church, do you live honestly, etc. . . nothing about your standard of living. :)

Though I do hope you'll be on your feet soon. Good luck.

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I know there is a transient bishop here. I'm not sure how to locate him. Maybe on the Church website, but I assume that you could contact any stake presidency or bishopric and they could point you in the right direction.

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Hi Matt, Being homeless certainly does not disqualify any one from going to the temple. Im pretty sure Jesus was homeless during most of his ministry.

I am however curious why you wouldn't want to see your bishop. He holds the keys for both temporal and spiritual matters within a ward. No one here could actually let you know if you are worthy to go to the temple only your Bishop and Stake Presidency member. They both have to sign your temple recommend and interview you.

Members pay fast offering every fast sunday in order to help people who are struggling with any particular problem. Bishop can help here if you need help.

Perhaps their are other reasons you feel you cant approach the Bishop. Maybe you can approach one of his counsellors or a member close to your situation.

I remember when i first joined the church. I found it really difficult to see my Bishop but i did find it easier to talk to one of his counsellors.

Good luck

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Matt10874, maybe you should find a ward and tell the bishop of your situation. If you are a student, perhaps there is another student who could use a roommate or an older person who would like some company in exchange for a little work around the house that wouldn't interfere with school.

The other thing I'll suggest is that you go to your student services office and see if someone there can help you. Are you a vet? Vet's offices on campuses are pretty good about helping their folks. I'm a professor and I would certainly like to think that my university could at least point a homeless student in the direction of housing.

One thing I've noticed since I've been a member, I think sometimes members do themselves a disservice when they try to stay out of debt. Would a small student loan help you at least get housing? No one is saying go 100,000 in debt, but 3-10K to get you a place to live and help with expenses is worth it, in my opinion. I see members trying to take a course here and there and going to school forever. I've seen it with non-member students as well. Do what you can to find a place to live while you go to school. I'll be praying for you.

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Matt10874, maybe you should find a ward and tell the bishop of your situation. If you are a student, perhaps there is another student who could use a roommate or an older person who would like some company in exchange for a little work around the house that wouldn't interfere with school.

The other thing I'll suggest is that you go to your student services office and see if someone there can help you. Are you a vet? Vet's offices on campuses are pretty good about helping their folks. I'm a professor and I would certainly like to think that my university could at least point a homeless student in the direction of housing.

One thing I've noticed since I've been a member, I think sometimes members do themselves a disservice when they try to stay out of debt. Would a small student loan help you at least get housing? No one is saying go 100,000 in debt, but 3-10K to get you a place to live and help with expenses is worth it, in my opinion. I see members trying to take a course here and there and going to school forever. I've seen it with non-member students as well. Do what you can to find a place to live while you go to school. I'll be praying for you.

Edited by dahlia
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Im pretty sure Jesus was homeless during most of his ministry.

Fwiw, this is unlikely. The Bible records:

Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.

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Fwiw, this is unlikely. The Bible records:

Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.

I guess I was basing my comment on the following scripture.

58*And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

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