Nervous about becoming active again


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Honest answer? Start showing up regularly. The rest will take care of itself.

There was a period of roughly 36 months following my divorce in which I was very angry with the Church and with God.

While I did not renounce or denounce the Church, neither did I attend or work to teach or proclaim the Gospel.

It was a very dark period of my life.

When I began to relent and repent- and to let go of my anger- I returned to a new ward and to new people.

I was welcomed just like any other visitor or new member, and forged new friendships and fellowships from there.

So, too, will it be with you.

As someone who has been in your shoes, I offer the following: The Church is a hospital for the afllicted, not a resort for the perfected.

Everyone you will meet has their own regrets, their own might-have-beens, and their own I-shoulda-done-that-differentlies.

The members of your ward will see you and accept you as a fellow supplicant- a guest at Christ's table- every bit as beloved and as welcome as they are.

Please try to offer them the same grace and patience as Christ has extended to you unto your new brethren and sisters (I know, it's harder sometime than others), but it will be worth it.

Welcome back!

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I would have to agree. Just act like it never happened, and then jump back in full fledged. And whether people do or don't know, who cares? The Church isn't for other people. It's for you and your relationship with God. So like I said, just jump in. Don't hold back. Today you may be one way, but make tomorrow the first step towards coming back to full fellowship.

The change in your life will be night and day!

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