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Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate all the ideas and suggestions you have given me. I admit, there is much I do not understand or am ignorant about in regards to our Church, so I wasn't aware of many of these opportunities. I just know that I have an inordinate amount of free time when I'm not studying at university, and this intense desire to live a life of devotion to the Savior and to my neighbor-man whom I love. I was under the stupid assumption that the only opportunity within the ward is home teaching, which I understand the value of, but it didn't feel the same as missionary work. Having had the blessing to go out with the missionaries a time or two now since my baptism, I realize how incredible their work is and how much more it expands my own understanding of God's plans and Jesus' teachings. Even something as simple as the atonement, I thought I understood well, but yesterday we were with an investigator and during the conversation it just suddenly went off in my head like a flare that I GOT it.. I REALLY, REALLY "GOT" it. All the stuff about sheep and flocks and shepherds I got that too. And I realized that by helping others discover God's plan of salvation and how we can use our agency to seek perfection like our Heavenly Father, it helped ME.

I admit too that part of me was a little envious of listening to other Church members talk when we'd be having a little get together or conversation sharing stories or lessons they learned during their missions and realizing that I missed out on that experience and that it will always be something that sets me apart from them. I guess in a way it makes me feel just a tiny bit less worthy in a way than they. Ultimately, I guess I just still have a lot to learn about the Church and the Gospel and building my own testimony, but I'm glad I have this place to go to for these questions. I don't think I'd have been as comfortable talking about it with my new ward family.

Even little things... I went to do work at the Temple this morning, cleaning the grounds and weeding and deadheading the flower beds. I never really did any sort of gardening like that beyond mowing the lawn and weed-whacking. And you know, being there, the brisk morning air, but the warming sun coming over the horizon with the temple grounds so serene and the tall tower with the bright angel trumpeteer on the top glistening in the morning rays... It filled me with such spirit and awe and joy that I stopped several times to pray and weep. I am discovering that for me, for my life, there is this intense joy to be derived from being in service to the Lord. And I want the Lord to use me to his greatest benefit.

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Just sharing that now helped me, Hyena. We take so much for granted. We get tired and start to complain and stop seeing the truth and beauty in what we're asked to do. Your energy and resolve is inspiring.

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I think sometimes, and this is just my own ignorant observation so take this with a grain of salt, but that in some ways us converts are a little more blessed when it comes to enthusiasm.. The way I kind of think of it, since we had to actually seek it out and work to become members, to put in the dedication and faith and effort to change from our pre-concieved notions about the Church and Gospel and even worse, to undo the years of misinformation and damage done to us by a secular society or false churches that were ingrained in us, gives us something of an advantage when it comes to the strength of our desires and testimony. For some of the members I observe in Gospel principles or Elder's Quorum, it seems like there are more than a few people there "going through the motions," like they have done it a million times and they just do it because it's habit or some sort of ingrained obligation that they must fulfill. They just recite off scripture or passages or things, often times it seems for my benefit or the other new convert who beat me into the water by a few weeks. Which I am grateful for having what feels like an entire platoon of ready and able teachers armed with extensive knowledge of the Gospel with which to answer my ever-increasing list of questions. But I think that sometimes I'm way more into it than my brothers and sisters who seem like.. I don't know.. I imagine it like candles... how my candle just got lit so it's burning brightly and with fury... their candles have been burning for years so they have this big pool of wax the wick is floating in and just a small, steady, unflinching flame... but it doesn't dance or twinkle the same way and it looks like at any moment, the pooled wax will threaten to put it out.

Which is why I delight when they do try to explain things in different terms to me during our lessons because it seems like I'm waking up a few sleepy dragons who find it in their hearts to shuffle off of their hoards of gold (knowledge) for a moment and toss me a few coins (scriptures) out of kindness to send me on my way and as a result it inspires them to reorganize their dragon hoards. lol Or something like that.

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Ultimately i just want to contribute as best as I can, with my talents that I have, because I don't forsee marriage in my future for a long long time. I'm not even interested in dating right now, between school and Church I don't think I have the time for that and family starting, etc.

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Hyena, talk with your bishop and stake president. In my stake, we often call singles or couples to serve missions in the stake boundaries. Some are working in the bishop's storehouse, others as ward missionaries, etc. We've had some members, whose job was to drive the FTMs around to appointments. My wife and I completed a 2 year mission to our Spanish Branch less than a year ago - which was perfect in keeping us involved when I wasn't at my regular day job. We have one young man who is handicapped (not eligible for a full time regular mission), who is serving by working with an LDS sculptor to make the frontispiece for the Rome Temple.

Many ways to serve. So, you can continue going to school and still fill a mission!

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