Lakumi's Paintings


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As a small boy I always found painting impossible, in high school I started to paint various miniatures for a bunch of wargames, losing total appeal for them in my early 20s.

But painting a banner on one of them, I found my style and what I wanted to paint- landscapes.

This particular painting is about a little, what I assumed was some sort of storage area in the middle of nowhere, with a single light standing close by.

I felt like adding some spring time snow, as here in Canada, snow will fall well into April depending where you are.

My paintings are never very big (the smallest was on a penny) but are always a lot of fun.

More will be added as I find them or paint them:lol:

Edited by Lakumi
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This is another one, something more from my imagination, say the look from a cottage, and the day is cloudy but it doesn't seem like it will rain so perhaps you could go out on a boat or something nice like that.

This one's painted on an envalope that I will send to my pen pal.

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yeah I'll retake them, the second is on a standard white envalope and the first is a bit bigger... but as I said I will retake them.

I like my paintings to be nice and happy, something everyone can see and enjoy.

Its my 100% positive hobby, no negativity in them.

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showing the size of the two paintings with a quarter

and not a painting, but a doll she's named, well Lakumi (it's where I got the name, as she was sitting beside me at the time)

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Though her wings aren't visable, she has them-she's an ice faerie and I wrote a short story inspired by her some time back.

(Inspiration comes from the strangest of places)

Lakumi is the only doll I own that has eyes which follow you around the room. The other doll with glass eyes, Makemake, doesn't do that (mind you his are red so perhaps its the unrealistic colour).

Who knows...

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