Steps in notifying group of sex offender?


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My family attended a July 4 parade yesterday and was jaw dropped to see a sex offender participating in one of the float attractions surrounded by children. There was no mistake, we've known this man for quite sometime. I felt uncomfortable enough to call the group he represented that day and left a voicemail. I feel that parents should have up front information about a RSO mentoring their kids, and hopefully, the person in charge will do his own verification and notify parents accordingly. I'm not sure how this was overlooked unless (1) the group was not informed, or (2) the person in charge running the group doesn't care. Unfortunately, any two of these scenarios could potentially put kids at risk, and even if parents knew, shouldn't the parade have been informed because it's a family event that features hundreds of children -- and many more as spectators on the side lines? I'm a bit bummed out that I had to leave a voice message but I figured as much because it was a holiday -- still my GUT instinct is urging me to do more. Are there any other steps I should/could take?

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Is he convicted and registered? The only other thing i might do is call the police (non-emergenxy) and find out if his parole officer needs to be notified.

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I'm curious, do you know why he's a RSO? That is to say the wisdom of the group (assuming knowledge of his registration) is different if he's convicted of some form of child molestation as opposed to him being guilty of date rape. The latter, while serious, doesn't necessarily put children at risk.

Edited by Dravin
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Eowyn, I will do this.

Dravin, he's a convicted felon for unlawful sexual conduct with two girls. Both girls claim it was forcible sex and both their parents had pressed rape charges against him. He's 40-something years old working with a youth group consisting of children 8 to 17, and his preference for young girls is right in that bracket. He used to work for my husband's company (which was construction) and was vague about what his felony entailed, until DH did a search but even after that, he talked like he'd done nothing wrong. That always rubbed me the wrong way.

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What I would do is find him on the National Sex Offender data base, then email that link to the group who had him in the parade, and to the parade officials. Bcc your husband so you have two proofs of sending the email.

Personally, I would also send a separate email with the link to the policing body. Where I live where there would be a parade, that would be the Sheriff's Office.

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