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Guest CharmlessMan

It was a cheesball movie. The people had such good intentions. My wife and I laughed so hard at parts we weren't supposed to find funny. But funnily enough the whole theatre (which was packed) were laughing nearly as hard as us. (I have a really obnoxious laugh so it is difficult to laugh as hard as I do).

You can tell the people who made the movie were trying really hard. It was such a shame that so many places fell so flat like they did. They did well with the scenery etc (for the budget), it was simply the script and a lot of the acting and directing that really made it as bad as it was. There's my honest opinion.

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Guest curvette

I liked the Singles Ward too. I thought it was quite clever, although the ending was pretty predictable. The Book of Mormon Movie though---there just aren't words to describe how bad it was. (even my kids were laughing at it!)

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Guest CharmlessMan

I loved Singles Ward. Even my non-LDS friends loved that movie. I don't know if I would have gotten a lot of the jokes in it though if I hadn't lived in Happy Valley for the last 4 years. Even then my wife had to explain who a few people were and why what they were saying was so funny. You see it's ironic Steve Young telling kids to get married before the age of 25 because he got hassled so much about it. You see Steve Young is a decendant of Brigham Young as well as playing what you people laughingly refer to as football. BLEH!!! I could have done with these so called kind of jokes. Everything else about the movie rocked though. The RM cracked me up from the start to the finish. Home Teachers had some funny parts but was no where near as good as the first two.

Pride and Prejudice is worth a watch too, especially if you have read the original book and/or seen the TV adaptation done by the BBC.

I sent my mum and dad Gods Army and Brigham City for Christmas. My mum and dad have been less actives for over 20 years yet they LOVED these movies. My dad even had all the missionaries in the area over so they could have there dinner and watch Gods Army. Brigham City is now one of his top 10 favourite movies.


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Originally posted by AFDaw@Jan 21 2004, 07:53 AM

God's Army wasn't too bad.

But Singles Ward, I promise I think I have mental wounds from watching it. It just hurt me.

You have a point. This is something that the producers of these films should know.

When I saw the movie Two Weeks Notice I was bothered by a comment that Sandra Bullock's Character said. She was talking to a friend and she was explaining why she didn't go to this benefit with her boss. She said that she didn't go because he also invited another woman from work to go. She then said something like this... "Why would I go with him...who take more then one woman to dinner at a time...except in Utah." No wonder the mormon church still has polygamy attached to it, it is allowed to be carelessly "Blibbed and Blubbed" (my own words) in the media. Not that it did any good, but I sent them an email stating my disapproval.

When I saw the Singles Ward the humor was funny because I could relate to it living in UT.

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Jan 21 2004, 10:42 AM

I didn't like Brigham City either.

It was about a murder... :ph34r:

I thought is was bold for a Mormon producer to take on a story line that includes murder. I guess I will be the odd man out and say that I liked Brigham City. :rolleyes:
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Actually it wasn't.......There was a hidden message in it that was so....spiritual..

It was about a small town that shared life,love and friendship...And when things got tough

and the bishop thought he had failed his members, they reminded him that he could not take

the burden on himself, for if he was to were they all. Its a story of faith hope

and togetherness. The murder is what shows this small town how what they do daily holds them together spiritually everyday.

If your eyes are open, you can see the good in all things :D

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