
Guest mamacat

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Guest mamacat

Mom42 ~ you are so have so much goodness in your life. :)

may i suggest a film that might help sustain you, in this turmoil you feel? it's relatively new...called The Nativity Story. it's so beautiful and touching...about Mary's discovery of her pregnancy with Jesus. it shows in great detail how difficult a time it was for her, her family, her husband...and the attendant hardships that they endured, but how they understood God's will, and thus chose love and acceptance.

talk about not being on the same page, for this family, and the cultural values of the nazarenes at that time....the movie itself is very serious, but in considering the situation, i'm sure that you can see something of the humor in it, esp when relating it to modern day situations. ;)

anyway, Mom42, you are in my heart and prayers.....supporting your daughter and her choice...her choice and her strength to love her child, is the very best thing you can do, i believe. have faith in her, and her ability to embrace this love and this challenge that Heavenly Father has provided you both, and i'm positive that you will come to see and feel the love and miracle in this situation.

love and blessings,


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Mamacat, thanks. I'll have to check out that movie it sounds inspiring. We (I) need all the help we can get. My life feels like a "Soap Opera", and like a "Soap Opera" the drama gets worse everyday. I want to believe though, that the latest drama may be an answer to MANY prayers. Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. God is constantly sending warnings and answers my daughters way and she just chooses to ignore them until she gets slapped in the face but I quess all that matters is that she finally gets it. Her life may be altered once again not for the best, but hopefully can make the best of it. I quess the saying goes..."what doesn't kill us, will make us better" .....or something like that......anyway thanks again so, so, much for your friendship and love it really means alot.

Lots of love,


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Guest Username-Removed

Sorry for all the questions and no reply yet but I am trying to get a grip on this type of behavior in a ward when a new member is baptized. Where in the US is this? I have lived in California, Utah, Nevada, Florida and out of the US and never witnessed this type of behavior. I want to make sure I don't move there that is for sure.

Ben Raines


Its happened to me before too. For me, I was very inactive for years and years. When I decided to come back to church, after a lot of repenting, I went back to my home ward. Then, someone refused to pass me the sacrement. I knew I had a choice ... I could have been offended. But instead, I reached around to the pew behind me and grabbed the sacrement from them! I then went to a dear friend who was instrumental in my reactivation and told him what happened. He promised me that it would not happen again... and it never did.

When I was in Ammon Idaho, I went to church for 3 months there while I started up my new job. Every Sunday I was asked to introduce myself with all the other visitors! LOL! It was hillarious! In the end I said that I had been visiting for three months now! They got my drift and was finnally assigned home teachers the week I moved to Utah! The bishop called my on my cell phone on my way to Utah, he said he was very sorry about what happened. I told him it was ok and that eventually Im sure they would have welcomed me. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it does not. My ward here in Utah is amazing! Ive never felt such belonging in any ward before. It took nearly 3 months of serious activity to make it so.

My advice for anyone not feeling welcome ... get in thier face and make them welcome you! Service helps too! Sometimes folks are simply too busy to do what they should ... and a little extra effort from everyone helps!

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Maybe it's me. I arrive 30 minutes before sacrament meeting is to start. My wife and I. She goes about talking to sisters that she works with in young women. She is the YW president. I go and make sure that each of the rows is clean. We are the third ward in the building on Sunday. Old programs, cherrios, etc.

I also look for anyone I have not seen before as they arrive. I go up, introduce myself and ask if they are visiting. Last week I asked a couple and they told me they had been in the ward for a year. Our ward is almost 600 and we average 400 a week in sacrament meeting.

Last week there was a new guy in the meeting. I introduced myself to him. He was visiting from DC and moving to our area. Took him to Sunday School and then to priesthood and after priesthood he told me as he was leaving that this was the friendliest ward he had ever visited. Same was true of the other wards I have lived in.

So maybe I have just been lucky but I also go out of my way to make a friend.

Wordflood, your experience is terrible and the person who would deny you the sacrament will be held accountable for it. Can you imagine standing before the Savior of the world and being asked, "So tell me why would you deny someone you were passing the sacrament to?" I would rather be asked "Do you think you gave too generously than why were you selfish"

Ben Raines

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Guest Username-Removed


Thanks for your post. You know I probably have some work I need to do in that area. I arrive early, but I seldom go up to people and introduce myself. Perhaps I need to start doing that. I, as you, spend time picking up after the previous ward and fixing the chairs in the overflow ... it would seem there is no excuse for me not going out of my way and greeting people I dont recognize. I do it everywhere else, why not in the chapel in the morning???? Done! That will be taken care of this Sunday! :idea:

Regarding the sacrement, and the person who refused to pass it to me ... She probably didnt want me to face the burdon of choosing to take it or not! LOL The thing that was interesting about her, was that I knew her when I was baptized as a teenager and a convert nearly 27 years ago! Its ok and I hold no ill-will towards her at all!!! Some people act incorrectly on a moments notice. Im just glad I didnt let it stop me from going to church. If I did, I wouldnt be where I am today and enjoy all the blessings of full active membership.

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Awesome goal Wordflood. I look forward to hearing how it went Sunday. I would challenge anyone to give it a try this Sunday whereever you attend church. Step out of your comfort zone and greet people, if it is to stand in the doorway and shake everyones hand as they come in or just go around and welcome people you don't recognize. I do both.

Be how you would like everyone else to be.

Ben Raines

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Guest Username-Removed

Awesome goal Wordflood. I look forward to hearing how it went Sunday. I would challenge anyone to give it a try this Sunday whereever you attend church. Step out of your comfort zone and greet people, if it is to stand in the doorway and shake everyones hand as they come in or just go around and welcome people you don't recognize. I do both.

Be how you would like everyone else to be.

Ben Raines


You wanted to know so here it is! It turns out the guy who is assigned to greet and hand out programs didnt make it today, so I took his spot! LOL I was kinda fun, and I realized that I knew a lot of faces, but not that many names, so some more work there to be done. Now I got to work on my home teaching ... Im making a lesson from Pres Foust's talk on forgiveness.


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  • 1 month later...

I just want you to know i hope for the best for you and your son mamacat.

Again the church is true the members some times arnet. I dont really have any good advice other than to just hang in there and keep praying and listening to the advice that people already gave in this thread.

Just hang in there and things will get better im sure of it. :D

I hope you can at least feel welcome here!

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