Strengthening Church Members Committee


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Are you questioning if the Committee existed? (Which seems to be pretty clear that it did [does??])

Or are you questioning what the committee did verses what people said it did? Because if that is the case you need to provide more details of what it is being accused of

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Why shouldn't it?

In my mind I can break down the behavior, as reported by Wikipedia, into three things:

1) That general authorities are keeping an eye out on publications.

2) That general authorities are passing along information about work that may call for Church discipline or counseling to local leaders.

3) That criticism of and attacking local and general leaders can bring Church discipline.

My thoughts are as follows:

1) General authorities are responsible for strengthening and maintaining the Church and it's mission. That they'd keep an eye out on what, presumably famous or influential members, are publishing seems in line with that. A wolf in sheep's clothing can do a lot of damage to those around them and counseling, explanation, or even if needed discipline can't be done if you aren't aware of it.

2) The alternative is it being handled from Salt Lake, the proper place for counseling, explanation, and discipline is with local leaders.

3) Once again a wolf in sheep's clothing can do a lot of damage, and apostasy if unchecked leads to spiritual darkness. The purpose of excommunication (and other discipline) is to initiate repentance and to protect the Church.

Edited by Dravin
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Why this Committee exists?

I think that this kind of thing should not exists on the church.

I can think of a few reasons.

Local leaders come from a wide variety of backgrounds... They have to care for their own families, their own jobs, and then they have those that they oversee.

Because of all these obligations they are more then likely to miss things (the sheep that goes astray isn't going to tell you that they are going astray)

The idea that they will choose to follow and read academic articles or books in their spare time is really kind of far fetched (unless that is their personal interest of course).

One of the big complains we get about local leaders is that they "should have known" but baring revelation on the subject how are they going to know unless someone brings it to their attention?

Now I realize that for many this might seem like tattling or gossiping (and it can definitely become that if we aren't careful) but we do have a responsibility to care for each other.

The whole idea of the Strengthening Church Members Committee is right in the name... It is to give the local leaders information that they might not otherwise have so that they can act in their stewardship to strengthen the church members

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