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We are here living mortal lives to ultimately show our allegiance to our Lord. Depending on how we live our lives will determine which of the three kingdoms we will reside in. I remember a discussion (might have been here or elsewhere) about whether the Lord saves His most righteous spirits for three scenarios: (i) for those that will die unborn or under the age of 8, (ii) for those that will be born into developmentally disabled bodies that hinder accountability, and (iii) for those that will live in the last days.

I got a couple questions.

- Do you believe the Lord saved His most righteous spirits for these scenarios?

- If no, how do you speculate spirits born into scenarios #1 and #2 will be judged? Due to their circumstances, they are not in the position where they live full lives and or experience challenges as the rest of us do, so they are not held accountable as we are.

- If the Lord descended from the Heavens today and my friend is 4.5 months pregnant, is her child exempt from all the trials that the rest of us had to endure in this lifetime? Why?

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I got a couple questions.

- Do you believe the Lord saved His most righteous spirits for these scenarios?

Yes and no. The test is the same for all. No matter the person, God is no respecter of persons. When they stand at the judgment bar they will know they were equally tried and tested.

- If no, how do you speculate spirits born into scenarios #1 and #2 will be judged? Due to their circumstances, they are not in the position where they live full lives and or experience challenges as the rest of us do, so they are not held accountable as we are.

They have plenty of time to progress in the next life. After all don't we have another 1000 years in the millennium? Though they are already judged, they are saved in the CK. How is that fair right? Its due to the obedience in the pre-existence.

- If the Lord descended from the Heavens today and my friend is 4.5 months pregnant, is her child exempt from all the trials that the rest of us had to endure in this lifetime? Why?

Yes and no. Millenium tests will be slightly different but still similar. However, we learn at the end there will be another war. During this final war, it will be a time to "choose" which side you will reside on Gods or Satans.

Not much to go off of.

We see the advantages here? I guess you could say being a child is, but I don't think it is however some do have greater gifts and abilities to gain and recognize light. Could call these talents.

130: 18 Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.

19 And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.

Edited by ElectofGod
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