D. Todd Christofferson - Saturday pm session

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D. Todd Christofferson - Saturday pm session

Women bring with them into the world a certain virtue.

I voice a plea for women to cultivate the innate moral power within them.

A woman’s moral influence is no more powerfully felt than in the home.

A mother can yield an influence like no other especially by her own example.

Will what happened in cradles be more powerful than what happened in most congresses.

Women have been the guardians of the wellspring of life.

They have been a civilizing influence in society.

Women you don’t have to be perfect.

Whether you are single or married, old, young or in between, your influence is vital.

Attitudes towards moral sexuality threaten the women’s moral authority.

Equal opportunity promiscuity robs women of their moral authority.

The world has enough women who are tough, we need women who are tender.

Cultivate the moral force that is within you.

As you follow the spirit your moral influence and force will grow.

You can not lift others to virtue with one hand if you are entertaining vice with the other.

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