ladies only please


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Thanks for the suggestions. I figure I will probably have a few more 'freak out' moments before making it to the temple. Our only temple is closed for the next two weeks so I'm not sure when I will be going. Would buying a size bigger be excessively longer? I wear petite size clothing as it is right now (seem to have short limb syndrome).

No, buy petite.

Another source of help, since you're close to a temple, is the Temple Matron or one of her assistants. The clothing supervisor can be helpful too. You can't go in the temple to talk to them until you're endowed but they can come out to the lobby to speak with you. They will be more than happy to do so. :)

(I volunteered at the temple in Ogden for 7 years. I learned a lot of helpful things about garments and other temple clothing from the sisters who do the laundry. If I was in your shoes I would talk with the temple matron or assistant and then definitely talk with the clothing supervisor. She will be able to help with fit issues but also with laundry issues, ie that time of month.)

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No, buy petite.

Another source of help, since you're close to a temple, is the Temple Matron or one of her assistants. The clothing supervisor can be helpful too. You can't go in the temple to talk to them until you're endowed but they can come out to the lobby to speak with you. They will be more than happy to do so. :)

(I volunteered at the temple in Ogden for 7 years. I learned a lot of helpful things about garments and other temple clothing from the sisters who do the laundry. If I was in your shoes I would talk with the temple matron or assistant and then definitely talk with the clothing supervisor. She will be able to help with fit issues but also with laundry issues, ie that time of month.)

Definitely speak to the temple matron. Also, on the day of your endowment, be sure to ask the escort that the temple provides any questions you have. There are at least a couple of opportunities to address concerns that day (the ladies at the distribution center will be very helpful sorting out size issues for you when you buy your garments) and that is the best way to get the answers to your questions.

I had very specific questions/concerns that related to some medical issues I have. The dear sister who attended me in the temple that day was very helpful and reassuring, and all of my concerns were addressed, either by her or through the other opportunities presented that day. I had the usual trial and error in figuring out the right sizes/materials (and your needs and likes may change over time...with weather changes...with whether you're wearing slacks or skirts, etc.), but all of my worries about other issues were well addressed and I have had no problems with wearing the garments. PM me if you like.

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Bini, I was 19 when I was endowed and garments were one piece. I thought they would be a big issue for me. I was surprised that they weren't. Now that the two piece are common I find that I miss the one piece sometimes. Especially because I didn't have to worry about tucking them into a waistband.

I have had some of the issues over the years that were discussed in the article. Resolving the issues is easy when you are committed to the covenants made that require you wear the garment.

Try not to be stressed about it too much. You might find its not that big a deal after all.

That would have been extremely difficult for me to adjust to.

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I admit, garment wearing will be a tough one for me if that time ever comes.

I'm not gonna lie, it was a tough one for me, not because of the garments itself but I ended up getting rid of 3/4 of my closet because the garments will show. It doesn't help being on the short side of petite! I had really cute conservative shorts that are slightly longer than my garments that when I sit down the garments get left on my thigh as the shorts ride up. I had to get rid of all those.

I spent months rethinking my wardrobe and this was when I was 4 weeks from delivering my first baby (I was waddling through the endowments, lol) and then going through the different post-partum sizes plus a bonus of going through post partum depression...

But wearing the garments itself is not a big deal. I rarely wear bra as I'm used to wearing the fitted chemise instead. So the Carinessa top just replaced my chemise and it was no big deal.

My kids, I think, will have an easy transition to garments as they wear fitted long leg boxer underpants already and an undershirt (common Filipino thing to wear "sando") so it's not much different than garments.

Edited by anatess
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I just went through my endowment last month and I can honestly say wearing garments hasn't been a big thing. I have had my trail and error for sure but everyone does. You will learn some fabrics run shorter then others (comes in handy too when you have that ever so cute dress or skirt but it's an inch too short for your "normal" garments).

I will say why I have been super lucky that I haven't had to throw any of my clothes out (which is shocking since I still own some of my partying clothes from back in the day) the hardest part for me has actually been night time! I'm the only member in my family so just sleeping in my g's isn't really the right thing to do around the house so it's adding layers upon layers to hide them that sucks.

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That would have been extremely difficult for me to adjust to.

What I'm trying to say Bini is that if I hadn't had the attitude I had about temple covenants then it would have been hard for me too. Extremely hard. We were sealed on Aug 6m, 1977 and it was HOT. We didn't have the cool fabric choices available now.

When I focused my thoughts on the importance of the covenants and the reasons why I chose to be endowed and have the opportunity to wear the garment, then all the uncomfortable and difficulties disappeared.... almost over night.

When we are obedient we are blessed.

Right now you probably aren't ready. But by the time you get yourself ready to be sealed go with an attitude of obedience and you just might be surprised that what you once thought would bother you doesn't anymore. :)

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