Church and socializing


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but, I got my VTs and HTs coming to visit still.


This is wherein you're lucky. If everyone would faithfully and diliegenly magnify this, none would feel left out. It would solve a whole bunch of problems.


I've long been of the opinion that HT and VT are the keys to bringing about Zion. Zion will come no faster than the church does its HT and VT at an honorable, faithful, and diligent level.

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It is the two tier system of the church. As an investigator you are love bombed everyone wants to be your friend offer lifts to church, invites to activities etc  etc. But as soon as you are dunked people move onto the next investigator. I don't even think it is a conscious thing, perhaps it is just part of the missionary part of the church. 


I also find life long members are much friendlier with other TBM's than they are with converts. It's like they fear we will rub our germs on them. 


I think also to get the invites etc one has to be the happy clappy mormon that is out going etc. I have seen sobbing people ignored and people with issues avoided, it's like we can't have our happy bubble threatened by unhappy people

As an investigator who has been actively involved with the church for 1 1/2 years I can say this statement is out of line. One or two wards that are a little more closed off do not dictate the overall image of the majority. That's like saying all guys are jerks because your neighbor had a bad falling out with her boyfriend. It just doesn't cut it.


I have seen many baptisms and confirmations into various wards, including the YSA that I attend. I can easily say that in my home ward and the YSA ward that both investigators and converts are both 'love bombed' regardless of status. Every ward is different, some have lots of families, others have lots of elderly, some are small, some are big, some with many young adults, ect. In my YSA they keep you actively involved no matter who you are, there are a few 'groups' of closer friends but involvement overall is kept to a maximum.

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This is wherein you're lucky. If everyone would faithfully and diliegenly magnify this, none would feel left out. It would solve a whole bunch of problems.


I've long been of the opinion that HT and VT are the keys to bringing about Zion. Zion will come no faster than the church does its HT and VT at an honorable, faithful, and diligent level.


Yeah, it was great... my VT and our HT are husband and wife on the first few months after my baptism.  The wife is the daughter of the Stake President.  Both of them are life-long members.  She was my go-to ask-about-my-lesson person.  When the VT route changed, she became my VT companion.  We became good friends... she moved to my street a few years ago, so now we're neighbors.  She was really my "example" of VT - she taught me all about VT.  I've been active (although I do still miss a month here and there) in VT since we were companions.  But yes, I've had good VTs and I've had absent VTs and the HTs are even worse.  My HTs now are both travelling for their jobs and they're rarely in town at the same time.  I don't wait for them to contact me.  I go and call them.

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