move on from sin


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Hey there I wanna know how I can move on from my past sins See I prayed to the devil but didn't mean to I told him I would a family member but I didn't mean it people say I might have ocd where negative and unwanted thoughts come to play I said I would 187 my mom but I repented same as saying the devil can hate my soul but I was young and didn't know but repented and doing my best to draw closet to god going to church praying reading the scriptures daily I feel peace love and the spirit I know i was forgiven i have harm ocd having these thoughts that to harm or worse but I'm seeing therapist now and i dont get these thoughts that much like I said i feel comfort by the spirit and love i felt like i should have told my mom or the bishop but not sure.

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Hello there.  I am sorry.  I am having difficulty understanding your original post.  If you could please go through and edit your original post to make it more readable.  Use periods if you can and rephrase your words.


If you want to know how I can move on from your past sins here is some information for you.  These are quotes from the Prophet Spencer w. Kimball:


"Likewise, repentance must be consistent and continuous. To repent of a sin and then to tamper with it again or permit it to invade, even slightly, is to lose the repentance and its beneficent effects, and the former sins return, saith the Lord God." (See Doc. & Cov. 82:7)


"Very frequently people think they have repented and are worthy of forgiveness when all they have done is to express sorrow or regret at the unfortunate happening, but their repentance is barely started. Until they have begun to make changes in their lives, transformation in their habits, and to add new thoughts to their minds, to be sorry is only a bare beginning."


"True repentance incorporates within it a washing, a purging, a changing of attitudes, a reappraising, a strengthening toward self-mastery. It is not a simple matter for one to transform his life overnight, nor to change attitudes in a moment, nor to rid himself in a hurry of unworthy companions."


"True repentance must include restitution. There are sins for which restitution can be made . . . but then there are other sins that cannot yield to restitution. . . One of the requisites for repentance is the living of the commandments of the Lord. Perhaps few people realize that as an important element; though one may have abandoned a particular sin and even confessed it to his bishop, yet he is not repentant if he has not developed a life of action and service and righteousness, which the Lord has indicated to be very necessary:  He that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven."


You can also review the steps of repentance here:

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