Fear Of Teenagers


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We are trying to view things with eyes of today not with the same eyes - my Gran was working from 12, so she had to grow up. My Grandad had to leave school at 14 and get a job and this was the early 1900s after loads of child protection laws. My Mum left school at 15 to get a job in the 1960s.

In the 1850s a young child of 6 was executed in I think France for insiting a rebellion its a particularly sad story the description of it is harrowing of the young child swinging from the rope crying for his Mother , there were children across Europe before that, under the age of 10 executed for very small crimes - stealing petticoats, pots of paint etc now they wouldn't even be charged.

In the 1600s there were many girls of wealthy families who were married off at the age of 6+ their sex life began from when they had their first period.

In Greece it was common place and even expected at one point for a tutor to have a sexual relationship with his young male student.

Times change and often the view of what is acceptable changes - but teenagers are a new concept my Dad was one of the first generations of teenager. Bar Mitzvah celebrates the boys coming of age at 12 and most rites of passage in early societies are 12-14


One of the reasons times have changed is that in most of your examples the people, on average, didn't live very long.

Frankly, with life expectancy rates what they are today, your examples are good arguments for "teenagers" not having to act like adults until they've had time to mature a bit longer.


P.S. There weren't "loads of child protection laws" in the early 1900s. Maybe you meant later?

no i am in the UK, child protection laws began in the 1800s with laws to regulate their employment, school meals, basic healthcare, by 1911 a lot had changd

And I don't disagree with you but we can't judge a bygone age with our morals


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You want my answer? I would not be thrilled with it at all (despite the fact that Joseph was probably in his 40s and Mary was 14). However, what if she were 18?

Would you give your permission for your 14 yr old daughter to be married to a 30 or 40 yr old if he had no children already?

What does his having children have to do with it? I think I said 18 was the age I think a woman is capable of determining who she wants to be married to.

The reason I put that stipulation into the question is bc you sd something about older men marrying younger women and not allowing the new wife to have babies bc they were finished with child-rearing. I was wondering if that part was not an issue, if you would allow your daughter marry at 14. And you never answered my question. I got the feeling from a previous post that people having a problem with 14 yr olds marrying was bc of the media... hence I thought you may agree with 14 yr olds marrying. If not, why?

I am not morally opposed to allowing younger teenagers to marry -- and most states allow them to do so with parental permission (although it is usually 16 for females). That being said I would not see it as the ideal. I don't like the idea of inter-racial marriage but that doesn't mean I would look down on someone who did marry outside their race (I have several friends who live in such marriages) but I would discourage my children from dating outside their race or religion (even though I have to say I did both when I was younger and single).

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You want my answer? I would not be thrilled with it at all (despite the fact that Joseph was probably in his 40s and Mary was 14). However, what if she were 18?

Would you give your permission for your 14 yr old daughter to be married to a 30 or 40 yr old if he had no children already?

Short answer is no. Long answer is I have a 45 a shovel and I doubt anyone would miss him. If she is 18...fine. Well, I would not be fine, but the shovel would stay in the trunk.

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Guest Yediyd

I have two teenagers in my home right now...What happened to my lovely children? They used to be such CLOSE brother and sister....this transition into the teenage years has not been a smooth one...

...I'm in hormone Hell! :(

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I have two teenagers in my home right now...What happened to my lovely children? They used to be such CLOSE brother and sister....this transition into the teenage years has not been a smooth one...

...I'm in hormone Hell! :(

LOL not so long ago you could have married them offf:)


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As frustrating as they can be (and believe me I have severe issues with one) I'm actually enjoying my teenagers. I've been surprised many times by the logic and understanding they have of social issues, political issues and the world in general. It's a tough time to be a teenager. I thought I had it bad when I was one. My years as a teenagers was NOTHING compared to what they now go through. We live in a pretty afluent area. We are not afluent mind you...but it's hard to get them to understand at times why they don't have the same things as those they associate with. But as they are getting older I think they are understanding and appreciating more of what they have. At least I hope so.

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