Video Of Teheran Iran

Guest the_big_picture

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Lol, they're made in just the same way you or anyone else is made! It's all in the genes...

My daughter is red haired and freckled, I'm dark haired and freckled...neither of us has any 'disease'...that was just a un PC joke made on South Park once...cos everybody knows that people with ginger hair gets bullied cos of it!!

It is normal to be ginger...

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Lol, they're made in just the same way you or anyone else is made! It's all in the genes...

My daughter is red haired and freckled, I'm dark haired and freckled...neither of us has any 'disease'...that was just a un PC joke made on South Park once...cos everybody knows that people with ginger hair gets bullied cos of it!!

It is normal to be ginger...

Maybe that's why red-heads seem a bit "off" at times. If they are always picked on and maybe that makes them more retrospective. I have read also that Buddha was a red head (he was an upper class person and Aryan and all the old statues of him I have seen in China depict him as blue-eyed), Some speculate that Jesus was red-headed and Mohammed said that when he comes back to decimate the Jewish armies and the anti-Christ he will be white and red, and even Mohammed is thought of as being red-headed. Since the tribe of Joseph was often red-headed and pale maybe Lehi was too.

P.S. Many of the pharoahs of Egypt in the early dynasties were red-headed.

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It's certainly been the case in my daughter, that she was bullied at school for years, only because she had red made her quite vunerable, unfortunately. Nowadays she's Ginger And Proud! lol, she goes onto 'ginger' forums where fellow gingers celebrate their hair colour...

Speculating on what you wrote about Mohammed being possibly a redhead...I often wonder why some Muslim men have their hair dyed red...I heard it was a sign that they had recently visited Mecca, tho I don't know if that's the truth. When Becki was a baby, all the Muslim women that we met used to go crazy over her red hair!

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Guest Becki


My name is Becki, i'm 18 years old and for the past 18 years... I have, well, been suffering from... the one thing the doctors will never EVER EVER be able to cure....GINGER VITUS!

Many a time I have been to the doctors and said "What can I do to get rid of this terrible disease?" There answer is simple... "Sorry madam, there's nothing we can do, you will just have to learn to cope with it".

Sadly, having ginger vitus leaves me with pale freckly skin so I have tried many creams such as... Foundation Colour Ivory and many other colours, but sadly these have only left me with a yellow tint on my skin, which does not look fantastic.

I have been through life, a single lady not having many boyfriends... they have all been to afraid to see the person under neath the ginger vitus... but low and behold, a break through could be it has finally happened... yes I HAVE A GINGER VITUS LOVING BOYFRIEND. So to fellow ginger vitus suffers it can happen, it will if you let time take it course.

Not only have I found that men like ginger vitus hair, but I have also done deep research into finding websites that ginger vitus suffers can go and talk about it and basically help them to feel comfortable within there skin (even if it is pale and freckly). This site is very popular:

The site includes discussions about *whisper* sexiest ginger vitus suffers... actress' that have ginger vitus and many other things all based on people having ginger vitus.

So to conclude this VERY long message: Be Ginger and Be Proud... shout it from the rooftops I AM GINGER I AM GINGER. It's not a thing to be afraid of, don't cover it with hats... or DYE your hair... no no, this won't work... you will ALWAYS be ginger... and people WILL find out, either by your roots growing back or other ways of which I will not say.. but you will always be found out.



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Guest the_big_picture

and the anti-Christ he will be white and red, and even Mohammed is thought of as being red-headed.

Maybe the antichrist is Conan O Brian?

Are you saying that redheads are Gods choosen people? Remember the devil is always red.

Well yeah redheads are hot and freckles are cute :rolleyes:

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<div class='quotemain'>and the anti-Christ he will be white and red, and even Mohammed is thought of as being red-headed.

Maybe the antichrist is Conan O Brian?

Are you saying that redheads are Gods choosen people? Remember the devil is always red.

Well yeah redheads are hot and freckles are cute :rolleyes:

Not sure but this is what Islam says about the return of Jesus -- seems he'll have quit a temper (a trait red-heads seem to be associated with):

The Killing of Dajjal (anti-Christ) and the Victory of the Muslims

After the completion of Congregational dawn Prayer, Jesus (a.s.) will open the door behind him where Dajjal accompanied by 70,000 Jews will be. He will indicate with his hand to move away between him (Jesus (a.s.)) and Dajjal. Dajjal will then see Jesus (a.s.). At that time every Infidel (kafir) on whom the breath of Jesus (a.s.) will reach will die. His breath will reach up to the distance of his eyesight. The Muslims will then come down from the mountains and break loose on the army of Dajjal. There will be war, Dajjal will retreat, and Jesus (a.s.) will pursue Dajjal. Jesus (a.s.) will have two flexible swords and one shield with him and with these he will kill Dajjal at the Gate of Hudd. He will show the Muslims the blood of Dajjal which will get on his shield. Eventually the Jews will be selected and killed. The swine will be killed and the cross broken. People will revert to Islam. Wars will end, and people will return to their respective nations. One group of Muslims will remain in his service and companionship.

Jesus (a.s.) will go to Congregational dawn Rawha and perform Haj or Umrah (or both) from there. He will also go to the grave of Prophet Mohammad (s)and present his greetings Prophet Mohammad (s) will reply. People will live comfortable lives. The wall of Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog) will then break.

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Guest Yediyd

I'm Irish, my brothers are all blonds with red sister is a full blown red-head, my other sister has jet black hair and I had auburn hair as I child. I have blue eyes, light skin and freckles....

....I'm no Antichrist.

....and I have a soul. If it was a was in poor taste...that is why I hate south park!!! :angry2:

PS...if you zoom in on the red link in my will see the freckles....My hair is dyed in this Photo, BTW.

It was auburn in my youth, it is naturally grey/white now.

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Guest the_big_picture

seems he'll have quit a temper (a trait red-heads seem to be associated with)


Yedyid, dont worry I redheads are pretty, this is just a joke...

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Guest the_big_picture

The_Big_Pictue I am curious. The Islamic view of the final battle with the anti-Christ, does Jesus just destroy the Jewish armies who are serving the anti-Christ or does he destroy all Jews? That could indicate some of the origins of Muslim and Jewish tension.

I only know of shia islam wich has a very diffrent armageddon with a mahdi and all. There is no special mension of the jews in shia islam. In sunni islam however there wil be a final battle between jews and muslims. But I dont think destroying all jews are included, they even have rules to respect the jews.

Wich they used to follow, when the christians got extreme in spain and killed all the jews and muslims, the muslims helped the jews escape by lettign them enter their boats.

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Guest Yediyd
<div class='quotemain'>

seems he'll have quit a temper (a trait red-heads seem to be associated with)


Yedyid, don't worry I redheads are pretty, this is just a joke... I always was told as a child that I had pretty was not red, but had red in it...did you know that according to Josephus, Jesus had auburn hair. He describes this man, Jesus as having dark curly hair with red around the ends...He also describes him to have had shoulder length hair and a long Roman type nose with prominent eyebrows. Josephus says that Jesus was not an ugly man...I say that because in Isaiah 53 it talks of him having no comeliness...or not being handsome...

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Guest the_big_picture

I heard of a pharao that had red in it.

lets change the subject, what about albinos? When you are born without pigments so you are all white, that is a real disease.

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Guest Yediyd

....I'm no Antichrist.

That sounds like something the antichrist would say now doesn't it? :lol: (only joking yed)

Yeah...kinda like saying...I DON'T HAVE A CAT!!! :P
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let's change the subject, what about albinos? When you are born without pigments so you are all white, that is a real disease.

Albinism is not a disease. It is a genetic disorder where a child inherits the recessive albino gene from both parents.

Additionally, an albino is not always "all white." Some people don't even realize they are albino. They may just have very light skin and hair and blue eyes. It is often diagnosed through the eyes.


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