New Institute Manual review

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Stephen O. Smoot reviews the new Institute Manual on Church History, which includes Plural marriage, and many other issues of interest. It also has a section on handling one's doubts.


Smoot's article can be read here at the MormonInterpreter.



Teacher's manual is online here.




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Guest LiterateParakeet

I just skimmed it quickly (I'll read it more throughly later) but I am thrilled.  What a wonderful step!  Thanks for sharing this.

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Some of us have worked hard over the years to inoculate the members, especially the youth. I know I've spent countless hours over the past 15 years editing and writing articles for FAIR, More Good Foundation, MillennialStar, and my own blog, trying to bring the Church to light, and bringing its more difficult historical and doctrinal issues to light in a faithful manner. I am so very pleased to see the Church handle many of these things in an official manner, and to actively use those materials to help the next generation deal with questions and doubts in a positive and faithful way.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I have to tell you...I love FAIR.  When I was struggling with my testimony, and with God and everything, FAIR was a huge help to me.  The ironic thing is that my questions were not actually the kind of thing that FAIR addresses, but just being some where were doubt is accepted with support and kindness instead of judgement was very healing for me.  


And while I was there, I learned a lot of things to teach my own children to help inoculate them.  So I am a huge fan!

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