Extreme Mormons


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Elf, did you see this one? What a difference a few years of war makes in terms of perception. Folks now would shake their heads in agreement with Micheal Moore.


This came up right after your link.

Hi Moksha,

No, I hadn't seen it. But I remember it well.

I am amazed at the emotions Moore generates. I understand people vehemently disagree with him. But coming up with $25,000 to prevent him from speaking to a group of students who want to hear him? It was reactionary and absurd. What in the world were they so afraid of?

Sean Hannity makes me want to hurl. But I would never, ever tell anyone they didn't have the right to hear him, and I would be adamantly opposed to someone trying to buy him out to prevent him from being heard.

And yes, Moore has been proven right, hasn't he? But then, we're in the wrong section for that! :ahhh: You'll have to venture over to "Current Events," where I have been a lone David against numerous Goliaths for quite a while now. <_<


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Sean Hannity makes me want to hurl. But I would never, ever tell anyone they didn't have the right to hear him, and I would be adamantly opposed to someone trying to buy him out to prevent him from being heard.


I suppose they couldn't get Rush Limbaugh or Pat Robertson.

I would have thought that a member of the Quorum of the Twelve could have laid a blessing on UVSC* for less money than Sean Hannity, and been less offensive to boot!

* not that I really think the spirit of free inquiry should be erased from these students lives, but this is Utah County we are talking about.

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You know, I am not sure who is/was the best wizard at twisting events and distorting reality -- Michael Moore or Walter Martin. :dontknow:

One is a consideration based on someone you have a political disagreement with and the other is religious. In my experience, people usually put greater passion into politics. Of course, it is always the other guy who is wrong.

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You know, I am not sure who is/was the best wizard at twisting events and distorting reality -- Michael Moore or Walter Martin. :dontknow:

One is a consideration based on someone you have a political disagreement with and the other is religious. In my experience, people usually put greater passion into politics. Of course, it is always the other guy who is wrong.

Moksha, perfection, as usual!

You have to realize, Moksha, if I have written a post, then Fiannan must write a counter post, whether it has substance or not. He can't help himself.

We're just lucky he didn't include Freud in this one. (I couldn't help myself Fiannan :P .)


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