Vaproize Your Fears


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Today I am thinking of a very good friend of mine who is facing one of her greatest fears. I have told her to imagine her self going through this with her head held high as she does this I told her to imagine herself vaporizing her fears.

Without getting into too much detail a few years ago she did something she regrets and now this very day she is facing the music. She could have chosen another path, she could have chosen to 'go around her fears' but she knows that she needed to face then and 'go through them'.

I am so proud of my friend. She made a mistake and it is difficult to do what she is doing today. Today I am sending my friend prayers and positive energy, today I walk with my friend at her side proudly.

I Love My Friend.

How do you face some of your greatest fears?

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Today I am thinking of a very good friend of mine who is facing one of her greatest fears. I have told her to imagine her self going through this with her head held high as she does this I told her to imagine herself vaporizing her fears.

. . .

How do you face some of your greatest fears?

Ah, Berry, you are such a good friend! I know she considers herself blessed to have you in her life!

Fear holds us back in so many ways. Fear of the unknown, fear of the known consequence of our actions, fear of not being comfortable.

I like baby steps - they are comfortable; taking one step at a time thru the fog, in faith, has led me to some manner of personal progress. However, every once in a while, there is a chasm that is just too wide to cross in baby steps. To do so would result in falling into its darkness. I pray, close my eyes, visualize myself on the other side of that divide, "One, two, three - JUMP!"

I hope everything goes well for your friend! :)

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Today I am thinking of a very good friend of mine who is facing one of her greatest fears. I have told her to imagine her self going through this with her head held high as she does this I told her to imagine herself vaporizing her fears.

Without getting into too much detail a few years ago she did something she regrets and now this very day she is facing the music. She could have chosen another path, she could have chosen to 'go around her fears' but she knows that she needed to face then and 'go through them'.

I am so proud of my friend. She made a mistake and it is difficult to do what she is doing today. Today I am sending my friend prayers and positive energy, today I walk with my friend at her side proudly.

I Love My Friend.

How do you face some of your greatest fears?

Hi Strawberry Fields :D

For what it's worth....prayer really helps me when I am facing my fears.

I think your friend is awesome for taking it head-on.

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