Objectification Of Women


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I have chosen the topic because I know that it is causing conflict for married people within the church. As members of the LDS Church we know why pornography is wrong, yet there is not enough being said or taught about how to help the wives of addicted husbands and how to help their husbands overcome the addiction of pornography. When a priesthood holder is addicted to pornography how does the wife feel? There is focus on the men who are addicted; however, there is a whole different group that is affected and suffering- the women, the wives. My goal is not to solve the problem of pornography but to bring to light a better understanding of the effects that pornography addiction has on the women in relationships with an addicted husband. Peace in the home can be found if the cycle of pornography and its effects are broken.

I am specifically looking for narratives, stories, experiences and feelings of women who find or have found themselves in similar situations. However, all are welcome to respond.

Thank you for your time

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What more would you suggest that the church do? The church has in many area established a 12 step program, modeled after the AA program, to help members with addictions. One of the programs is for Pornography addiction. Our stake has called a licensed marraige and family counselor to handle the sessions with her husband. He is a former member of our Stake High Council.

At almost every General Conference there is a talk in the regular sessions or in the Priesthood session regarding the evils and ills of pornography.

I know it is an issue for men and even more lately of women in society and in the LDS church.

Again I would ask what would you all like to see the church do about it? Respectfully asked.

Ben Raines

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What more would you suggest that the church do? The church has in many area established a 12 step program, modeled after the AA program, to help members with addictions. One of the programs is for Pornography addiction. Our stake has called a licensed marraige and family counselor to handle the sessions with her husband. He is a former member of our Stake High Council.

At almost every General Conference there is a talk in the regular sessions or in the Priesthood session regarding the evils and ills of pornography.

I know it is an issue for men and even more lately of women in society and in the LDS church.

Again I would ask what would you all like to see the church do about it? Respectfully asked.

Ben Raines

Hi Ben,

Everything you mentioned is a way to confont the man's problems with pornography. justme is asking for suggestions on how the Church could provide support and education for the women in these men's lives. She and her children are suffering as well, and she needs to know how best to take care of her and her children during such a difficult time.

Just because she's not the addict doesn't mean she's not going to be suffering and feeling like her world is coming apart. Most likely both she and her children will be very shaky, and justme is wondering if there are some things the Church could do to help support and educate women, and spouses, who find themselves in this predicament.

She also is going to need to know how best to support her husband through his addiction, which will be an extremely difficult thing.

I think she is also asking for more education for the women so the they can better recognize a porn addiction in their husband's at an earlier stage, and men with their wives.

justme, you can take it from here.

I don't know the answer to what the Church can do. I just thought I could help clarify what justme was looking for.


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