Saturday's warrior reboot


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I saw the new Saturday's Warrior and i really liked it. Sure it was cheesy but I really loved the message. And the Piano Guys cameo was fun, and it was a catchy song. In fact the movie brought me to tears. 

What I'd like to know is, how did this movie compare with the old one ? I never saw the old one. As good as this one is, something tells me it won't become a classic like the old one did. Thoughts ???

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Eddified, I was a teenager when Saturday's Warrior came out the first time.  Both my parents were alcoholics, and I went to church alone.  Saturday's Warrior was a tremendous strength to me.  I loved it then and I still love it now.

I have the DVD of then new one...I wanted to share it with my family.  I haven't shown it to them yet because all but one of my kids are teenage or older and they will probably say it's cheesy. I know some people think that, but I still think it's beautiful. 

 Anyway, the new one is basically the same as the old one.  They just tried to update it a bit.  For example, the song Daddy's the original they actually sang that on stage, instead of just practicing it and having all the kids think it's dumb.  In the first one, Jimmy's story is the same except that he didn't join a band, he just joined a group of hippies.  Zero population was a thing back then.  I didn't really grasp it all as a teen, but I've since learned about it in one of my college classes.  The original never tells you why Pam is in a wheelchair.  Little things like that are different, but overall the story is the same.  

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We rented it on Amazon Prime about 2 weeks ago. The original was way cheesy but good, this one was only slightly cheesy and much better! We enjoyed it as a family and I recommended it in Priesthood opening exercises.

Worse ways to spend 2 hours than a musical trying to share the gospel.

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