Church Leaders on Mental Health

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I have a confession to make; I’m still not over Carrie Fisher. In December of last year the legendary Star Wars actress passed away unexpectedly. Fisher was a personal hero of mine. Along with pioneering one of the first empowered female roles as Princess Leia, her lifelong battle with bipolar disorder helped bring attention to the stigma and misunderstanding that often accompanies mental illness. She helped start a movement addressing the realities of living with mental disorders and encouraging those who suffer to seek help. image via Far too often, those who are plagued with mental health issues face discrimination and shame, and church members are no exception. Fortunately, modern-day prophets and apostles have spoken about mental illness, giving messages of hope and comfort to those who suffer. Here are some of their teachings on the subject: Self-Care Jeffrey and Patricia Holland One of the most iconic addresses on the subject of mental illness came from Elder Jeffry R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve in his 2013 talk "Like a...

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I remember being pretty... excited isn't quite the right word, but I can't think of anything better... so I guess happy and excited when Elder Holland gave his "Like a Broken Vessel" talk. I may have seen articles in church magazines about mental disorders before, but this was the first time I remembered an apostle straight out saying that mental illness is actually illness and is not something you can just get over with a good attitude.

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