Marrying My X-wife


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I too have felt the power of forgiveness and the atonement, not quite on the same level (stake president ect..). I had only recieved the Aaroinic priesthood and i went inactive about 17 years old. I had not yet been through the temple, but I had been baptised and did proxty baptisms, ect....

I spent 5 years totally inactive in the church, I did many many things of which i am not proud of. I even met my wonderful wife at a nightclub. then when we moved in together, we were getting pizza for dinner, and the missionaries for our ward were walking by and i had to ask them where the church house was, I never lost my testimony, i knew it to be true, i was just ashamed to go back and take responsibility. My wife is Catholic, but she supported me in my decision to go back to church and get my life straight. I talked with the bshop, and this sunday after general conference i will be able to partake of the sacrament again. I am so thankful i was no X'd and was only disfellowshipped. My wife has been a blessing to me through all of this, supporting me in what i'm doing. She's actualyl investigating the church now and loves going to relief society. I see her getting baptised here real soon, and she's even told me she wants our kids raised in the LDS church because of what she sees and the difference it has made in our life together. and she feels the spirit in only 3 places, Our house, her parent's house, and in the LDS church.

That is just awesome...hopefully you will get the chance to baptize her...:)

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